
4 November 2013

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Wines of Sicily Tasting London

bicchieri_vinoThe “Wines of Sicily Tasting London” kicks off next Tuesday, November 12th, the event that will take place in London and which will have the assistance of Michele Shah srl, Marketing Strategies – Italian Wines, in collaboration with IRVOS. Thirty-two participating Sicilian wineries will have the opportunity to have their wines tasted by importers, distributors, sommeliers, restaurateurs and industry press during the so-called "Walk Around Tasting".

They will alternate with seminars which will be conducted by Joanne Ahearne, Master of Wine who recently had the opportunity to visit the Sicily of wine. The event will take place at Altitude – The River Room in London by Hunt & Coady Ltd.

Jo Ahearne is a consultant winemaker who completed her graduate studies in oenology in Australia where she worked with some 'iconic' and 'boutique' companies. In Europe he has collaborated with a variety of companies in Spain, France and Italy, with the aim of improving the quality of their wines for the English market. In 2011 she was appointed Head Wine Buyer at Harrods. Today he works as a consultant for a number of clients.

The “Walk Around Tasting” will take place from 10am to 5pm. There will be three seminars: 10am – 12.30pm – 3pm.

“Sicily and the United Kingdom – he declares Lucio Monte, Director General of IRVOS – are linked by a past of flourishing commercial exchanges, a bond that has left historical and cultural traces that we want to recover. This year the prestigious "Circle of Wine Writers" association, based in London, has chosen our island as a stop on its annual trip. In the month of June we hosted some of its members who visited the different areas of the Sicilian wine tradition and met the protagonists of the Born in Sicily. London is also the headquarters – continues Monte – of the Institute of Master of Wine, the most important sector association in the world. With the Wines of Sicily Tasting we therefore want to strengthen the presence of Sicilian wines in a strategic city for the international wine market".

“Every year the number of wineries participating in the London event increases – he states Michele Shah – confirming the importance that the capital of the United Kingdom still has today. In fact, it is from here that all the new trends in wine start, the same ones that will then influence the emerging markets, in particular the Asian ones, which are among the primary objectives of Sicilian producers increasingly oriented towards the foreign market. With this event we aim to strengthen the value of "Born in Sicily", a brand that guarantees the final consumer quality standards that only a unique and unrepeatable territory like Sicily can offer".


Here are the participating wineries:



White Dove

Baglio Curatolo Arini 1875

CS Viticoltori Associati Canicattì

Fina Cellars

Flora Faro SS – Pietradolce

Sican Moon

Wineries Nicosia

Carlo Pellegrino


Tenuta Rapitalà

Russo Cellars

Duke of Salaparuta

Settesoli wineries

Terraces of Etna

Fiefdom of Santa Tresa

Zabù Tenimenti




Orange Fiefdom

Alessandro di Camporeale

Cellaro winery


Constantine & Sons


Disisa fiefdom

Woman of Cups

Cantine de Gregorio

Montoni fiefdom

Rizzuto Guccione















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