
9 September 2013

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Wine bloggers on tour

wine_lovers_copyDiscovering the wine territories of Menfi and Marsala. A three-day tour that involved fourteen wine bloggers of a certain caliber from countries such as England, Sweden, Norway, the United States, Portugal and France.

In fact, sector experts, not just web lovers, including oenologists, sommeliers and journalists. They will be guided by other experts as well as wine bloggers, namely the journalist Elisabetta Tosi and Giampiero Nadali of Fermenti digital. The tour, which took place from 4 to 7 September, was promoted and organized by IRVOS with the collaboration of Fermenti Digitali/Proposta. Two million views on the web in four days.

After the success achieved last year among the Etna wine territories, it was decided to replicate it in other areas of Sicily by promoting the different types of island wines. And this year too success was assured. Among oenological excellences, wine territories and food and wine excellences, the wine bloggers had the opportunity to delve deeper, for some, and to get to know for the first time, for others, another "piece" of the island. Above all to get as complete an idea as possible of the state of the art of wine production in Western Sicily: even the free tasting stands, therefore, were hosted in different companies each time and so were the tastings of the typical products. The wine bloggers were also able to enjoy a full immersion not only in the world of Grillo and that of its historically most famous wine, Marsala, but also to try lesser-known wines such as Perricone, and learn about the potential of some relic grapes .




Soon on the site the stories of this experience from the participating wine bloggers.

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