
11 April 2013

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Vinitaly 2013, some events in the Sicily pavilion


Many events took place at the Sicily pavilion during the four days of the Verona fair. In addition to the now underway "Taste&Buy", the two rooms, that of the Business area and that of the press room, hosted various tasting moments and more. However, all united under a single denominator, that of wine obviously.


“Artevino, art becomes ambassador of wine” was one of these: a project conceived and curated by the artist Ziganoi in collaboration with IRVOS. A first step of a journey which aims to consecrate the close relationship between art and wine. Both enhance the well-being of the senses and the mind: one is language and communication, the other is living nature and passion. During the presentation we "played" with the audience on the combination of wine tasting and paintings (twelve in total) on display.

Many book presentations, from that of Andrea Zanfi (Sicily, the Island of the Olive) on the world of Sicilian extra virgin olive oil with its territories, its scenarios, its work, to that of research by Bill Nesto and Frances Di Savino (The world of Sicilian Wine) of the University of California. A journey into Sicilian wine, from its ancient roots to its modern evolution. A Sicily that rediscovers the quality of its native vines.

And again, in the field of research, the book edited by the Regional Department of Agricultural and Food Resources (Identity and richness of the Sicilian vineyard). It was Attilio Scienza, who contributed to research on historical varietals together with the Ernesto Del Giudice Wine Supply Chain Innovation Center of Marsala of the Infrastructure Interventions Department directed by Vito Falco, who illustrated it. Together with him the winemaker Giacomo Ansaldi and Alberto Parrinello. This was followed by a guided tasting of historic Sicilian wines.

Work safety in wineries was also discussed. The research project "Models of organization and management of safety for companies in the wine sector" was thus presented. A project managed by the National Safety Engineering Association, the University of Catania and Know How Certification. The main objective was to obtain a model capable of satisfying the needs of the majority of companies which was streamlined, flexible, certifiable and economical.

Among the various tastings that were organised, the one that paired Sicilian sweet wines, from Malvasia to passito to Moscato, to typical Sicilian desserts was particularly successful. An opportunity to present the Typical Sicilian Sweet District which has its brand ambassador in Nicola Fiasconaro.



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