The functions of the “Public Relations Office” – URP are currently carried out in the IRVO by the Management Secretariat:

Tel. 091 6278236

[email protected]


Public reception hours: morning from Monday to Friday 9.00 am – 1.00 pm; afternoon on Wednesdays 3.00pm – 6.00pm.

the URP carries out the following main functions:

guarantees the exercise of information, access and participation rights, also by putting in contact with the competent structures;
facilitates the use of the services offered, also through information on regulatory and administrative provisions, and on the structures and tasks of the administration;
guarantees, at the request of users, the exchange of information with other structures operating in the administration, promoting and organizing internal communication;
promote interinstitutional communication, through contacts and collaboration between the public relations offices of other administrations.

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