
25 January 2013

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A manual on the territory, “The grapes tell”


Observe the progress of the grapes in the vineyard in the name of greater knowledge of our territory. This is the analysis conducted by a technical team, made up of oenologists, researchers, agronomists and meteorologists, among the vineyards of the Colomba Bianca wineries, in the Trapani area. “The grapes tell their story” is the manual, the result of studies, which was presented on Thursday 24 January at the Faculty of Agriculture of Palermo.

As can be seen from the title, the belief "that wine is made in the vineyard" is the leitmotif of the project. Almost one hundred pages in which an even more widespread, detailed and in-depth knowledge of the Trapani wine-growing area emerges. “This is the right path. – commented the Regional Councilor for Agricultural and Food Resources, Dario Cartabellotta, present at the meeting –Knowledge of our territory and our grapes only strengthens our identity. That identity that distinguishes us in the world and that we must not let disappear. It's time to “Born in Sicily”.

The project saw the collaboration of the Colomba Bianca Cellars, IRVOS, the Regional Department of Agricultural and Food Resources, Sias and Uva Sapiens. “This study – said the president of the Sicilia Doc Consortium, Antonio Rallo – is an analysis tool, a technical notebook that helps us to get to know our vineyard better and to increasingly aim towards that precision viticulture essential to make the most of the enormous qualitative potential of our territory". The study was based on meteorological and phenological and phytopathological monitoring of the vineyards. “The consistency of scientific surveys and the continuation of the collection of this information – explains Mattia Filippi of Uva Sapiens and coordinator of the project – will allow over time to have a unique and very useful database for the viticultural and oenological sector of the entire region. It's just a first step." Furthermore, the president and vice-president of Cantine Colomba are convinced of this: “To improve the image of a territory – conclude Leonardo Taschetta and Filippo Paladino respectively – it is necessary for there to be a general improvement of the same. Contributing to the realization of such an important vision fills us with pride and gives us a great feeling of well-being."

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