
6 November 2014

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Three starred chefs in Sicily, congratulations from the institution


“Congratulations to our chefs who have been awarded the Michelin star.” These are the words of the extraordinary commissioner of the Regional Institute of Wines and Oils of Sicily, Nino Di Giacomo, who together with all the staff of the institution congratulates the recognition received by three Sicilian chefs from the well-known Michelin Guide, as well as the confirmation of the other chefs already recognized in past years.

“Our local resource is the one on which we have to work and for which the organization is fighting,” comments Di Giacomo, “and when this heritage is put to good use”, as is the case with our chefs, we can only be proud. We must increasingly cooperate and create a system in multiple areas in order to enhance this precious earth resource."

Congratulations and best wishes therefore to Giuseppe Costa of Il Bavaglino di Terrasini, to Tony Lo Coco of I Pupi di Bagheria and to Crescenzo Scotti of the Il Cappero restaurant of the Therasia Resort on the island of Vulcano. As well as the confirmations for Bye Bye Blues in Palermo, for Coria in Caltagirone (Ct), La Capinera in Taormina (Me), La Gazza Ladra in Modica (Rg), La Fenice (Rg). Two stars for Duomo (Rg), La Madia in Licata (Ag), Principe Cerami in Taormina (Me), Locanda Don Serafino (Rg).

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Public Consultation Update PTPCT IRVO 2025-2027

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