
21 August 2011

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Transfer of innovation and sustainability in agriculture

Dr. (individual employment contract)
 [email protected]

Skills and Activities
• Research and experimentation in the field of vineyard protection and environmental sustainability.
• Agrometeorology and climatology applied to vines: predictive models.
• Soil mapping and pedology.
• Territorial information systems e WEBGIS.
• Acquisition, diffusion and dissemination of product and/or process innovations in favor of subjects in the wine supply chain.
• Research and experimentation in collaboration with universities, research institutions and other public or private entities.
• Training aimed at technicians and operators in the wine supply chain.
• Assistance to wineries for phytopathology problems.
• Creation of digital cartography and vineyard quality maps (Leica GPS and Multiplex3)
• Precision Farming in viticulture

To carry out its activities, the OU uses the following instruments:

1. Viva Leica Zeno15-3.5G GPS GNSS system for rapid field surveys and thematic map processing
2. Multiplex system Research for precision viticulture applications and knowledge of the qualitative variability of production in the vineyard with related production of thematic cartography

gps           multiplex
GPS GNSS system
Long live Leica
Multiplex 3 search

Ultime notizie

News 9 January 2025

Public Consultation Update PTPCT IRVO 2025-2027

Public consultation for the purpose of updating the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency (PTPCT) 2025/2027 In order to allow maximum involvement in the preparation of the update of the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency of the Regional Institute of Wine and Oil for the three-year period 2025/2027, all those who are interested are invited - in particular citizens, companies, consumer associations, representative trade unions, other entities operating in the territory representing particular interests - to send observations and/or proposals to the Person in Charge of the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency (RPCT), which will be evaluated when drafting the document.

News 6 May 2024

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News 30 April 2024

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