
17 March 2021


Procedure for the disbursement of the Tfs/Tfr advance pursuant to art. 23 of Legislative Decree 4/2019 converted by Law 26/2019:

1) the applicant presents the application for certification of the right to the Tfs/Tfr advance to the provider body;

2) within 90 days of receiving the application, the granting body communicates to the applicant, also through electronic systems: the certification of the right to the Tfs/Tfr advance or the rejection of the application if the necessary requirements are not met, and the indication of the PEC address of the lending institution to which the bank must send subsequent communications;

3) the applicant presents the Tfs/Tfr advance application to the bank participating in the initiative, accompanied by the certification of the right to the Tfs/Tfr advance, proposal for a Tfs/Tfr advance contract, according to the model attached to the Framework Agreement; from the family status declaration and the details of the current account to which the financed amount will be credited

4) the bank, having carried out the investigation and accepted the proposal, informs the lending institution and the applicant of the submission of the Tfs advance application;

5) The lending institution within the peremptory deadline of thirty days, having carried out the necessary checks and acquired the guarantee of the Fund, communicates to the bank the acknowledgment of the conclusion of the TFS/TFR advance contract and makes the amount unavailable of the advance of the TFS/TFR, for subsequent operations on the same TFS/TFR.

If the lending institution communicates to the bank a different transferable amount or the impossibility of completing the Tfs/Tfr advance transaction, the contract proposal lapses and the applicant will possibly have to request a new certification from the lending institution and present a new proposal contractual. After 30 days without receiving any communication from the provider, the contract is automatically terminated;

6) the bank provides the Tfs/Tfr advance within 15 days of accepting the contractual proposal.

The complete regulations are dictated by the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 22 April 2020, n. 51” Regulation on the advance of the TFS/TFR, implementing article 23, paragraph 7, of the legislative decree of 28 January 2019, n. 4, converted, with amendments, by law 28 March 2019, n. 26 published in the Official Gazette n.150 of 15-6-2020.

– ADVANCE REQUEST FORM (the form must be completed using the tabulator key after entering the data in each field including the last one) –

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