
12 August 2019

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Segesta Theater 10 August 2019




On the night of San Lorenzo, a historic bottle of wine produced in Mothia by Irvo with the advice of Giacomo Tachis will be delivered to the scientist Violette Impellizzeri

Article by MARIA ANTONIETTA PIOPPO from: la Repubblica of 09 August 2019

Wine, archaeological sites and vines. All within a cultural framework. These are the new frontiers of Irvo, the regional wine and oil institute. As part of the Dionysiaca, underway at the theater of Segesta Calatafimi, on the evening of August 10th, on the occasion of the night of San Lorenzo, in collaboration with the Municipality of Calatafimi Segesta, the Gal Elimos and in the presence, among others, of the director of the Park archaeological Rossella Giglio, a historic bottle of a wine made from Grillo grapes produced on the island of Mothia by the Institute with the advice of Giacomo Tachis, the late world-famous winemaker, will be delivered to the scientist Violette Impellizzeri. On stage, Irvo director Vincenzo Cusumano presented the award.

“It is our intention to link the material culture, that of wine, to that of the valorization of Sicilian archaeological sites. A closeness that we express with our presence and in this specific case with the award to this world-famous Sicilian scientist expert in cosmology and black holes. But it doesn't end here - Cusumano explains with satisfaction - there is the hypothesis of being able to intervene in Segesta as in other archaeological sites since there is a project idea of being able to valorise historical vines in archaeological sites in order to show tourists how they were bred certain varieties in Hellenic and Roman times, etc.".

Culture and wine, therefore, are the basis of this project in its embryonic phase which would involve the various Sicilian archaeological sites. And in the meantime, waiting for new developments, the Night of the Stars will be toasted with the wines offered by the Tenute Orestiadi company of Gibellina accompanied by bread and oil from Premiati Oleifici Barbera.


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