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Etna sparkling wine, the first Doc


The first DOC for Etna sparkling wine arrives. A few days ago, IRVOS released the certificate of suitability for Etna Doc. It is a Brut Rosè sparkling wine from the “La Gelsomina” winery. After twenty months of second fermentation, it is thus the first sparkling wine that paves the way for the next ones.

The regulations on Etna sparkling wine were drawn up in 2011. At the same time, a technical seminar on the "Etna Sparkling Wine District" was held on Friday 6 December, organized by the Soat of Castiglione di Sicilia, in the Catania area, and in which the Institute also participated Regional Wines and Oils of Sicily.

Seminar which falls within the scope of the program "Let's cultivate development in Sicily, the land of the Future", Psr 2007-2013 Measure 111. There was numerous participation by producers and oenologists from different parts of Sicily. The debate will be moderated by Etna oenologist and Soat official Pietro Di Giovanni. Among the speakers are the oenologist Carlo Casavecchia, former general director of Corvo Duca di Salaparuta, Florio and internationally renowned technician; Joseph Reiterer, owner of the Arunda Vivaldi company, the highest winery in Europe; the oenologist Vito Giovinco, consultant of the Murgo cellars and Alessandro Ramaggini, sales manager in Italy of the Berlucchi cellars.



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