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“The Grapes Tell”, second edition


“The Uve Tell” reaches its second edition. The text-study that tells the story of the vintage in the vineyards: the meteorological, phenological and phytopathological monitoring of the Sicilian area most suited to wine. That of Trapani. “Le Uve Tell” was in fact born with the idea of analyzing a territory from different aspects to provide a framework that gives those who work in the vineyard, those who work in the sector, greater knowledge with a view to better production.

Last year the first edition, which was presented at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of Palermo, was a success. So this year it's happening again. “We want to confirm the importance and need to continue a work started a few years ago and which aims to be a valid tool for final analysis of the vintage”, explained Mattia Filippi, oenologist and coordinator of the project, during the presentation which took place held at the San Pietro Monumental Complex in Marsala. The work was edited and edited by Cantine Colomba Bianca, Uva Sapiens in collaboration with the Regional Institute of Wines and Oils of Sicily, Sias and the Regional Department of Agricultural and Food Resources.

“These are winning realities – commented the director of IRVOS, Lucio Monte – which we as an organization try to encourage and also improve the relationship with. The theme of sustainability, the main theme of this project, is part of our network of ideas to be carried forward in perfect harmony with the European context". Making quality “is the only chance we have – stated Antonio Rallo, president of the Sicilia Doc Consortium – to survive in a context where Sicily has the lowest yield per hectare”. The various technicians of the project took turns at the round table: Luigi Pasotti of Sias, Filippo Paladino, vice president of Cantine Colomba Bianca, Antonio Pulizzi and Roberto Merlo, oenologists, Mattia Filippi. The various vintages were compared, but above all that of 2012 and 2013. “The latter vintage – commented Maurizio Gily, director of the Millevigne magazine, who moderated the debate – was cold but in Sicily thanks to the mildness of the climate was less traumatic. Years like 2013 are very "didactic" because they open up that long-term vision that is essential when designing a production strategy or, simply, when planting a vineyard". A team of motivated and determined young experts has thus given fruit to this study, strongly encouraged and wanted by Leonardo Taschetta, president of the Board of Directors of Cantine Colomba Bianca: "Today it is no longer money that creates wealth, but rather people. We need to know to change for the better and we need to be determined to do so."


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Public Consultation Update PTPCT IRVO 2025-2027

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