Technical area

3 January 2012

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Technical Area Publications

pubblicazioni Below is the list of publications and communications at the conference by the Technical Area

 Innovation and sustainability (by IRVO year 2016)

Technical Operational Manual AVIGERE Project (Regional Institute of Wine and Oil – March 2014

– Influence of bud load on the productivity of different cultivars in Sicily (The Wine Technician 5/92) 

– The maturation of Chardonnay at different altitudes in Sicily (edited by IRVV July 1992 Publialfa editrice)

Influence of bud load on the productivity of different cultivars in Sicily (L'Enotecnico n°3/95)

Description of some native and regional vines (Vitiviniculture n°37- 1st semester '94 Supplement)

– Evolution of terpene compounds during the drying process of Zibibbo grapes from Pantelleria (L'Enotecnico n. 10/95)

– First observations on the viticultural-oenological behavior of Inzolia subjected to thinning (Vignevini n° 4/95 Research Supplement)

– Nero d'Avola in the production of red wines for aging (Agricultural Engineering Journal notebook n°17/95)

– The problem of malolactic fermentations in the islands with reference to the South (Seminar: Malolactic fermentations and selected crops – Florence 27.5.94)

– Evolution of phenolic compounds in the grape drying process (Annals of the Experimental Institute for Oenology of Asti vol. XXVI – Year 1995)

– Contribution to the study of the behavior of some wine cultivars introduced in different cultivation systems and environments 2nd Note (Graphic Arts Zito – February '97)

– Pruning and production behavior of Cabernet Sauvignon in Sicily (L'Informatore Agrario n. 7/98 suppl. South)

– The fertility of Chardonnay buds (L'Informatore Agrario n. 45/98)

– Viticultural and oenological characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon in Sicily (L'Enotecnico n. 11/98)

Influence of green pruning on the behavior of the Cabernet Sauvignon cultivar in a hot-arid environment (VigneVini n. 3/99)

The origins and viticulture of Inzolia in Sicily (Le progrès Agricole et Viticole n° 20/96)

– Investigation into the viticultural and oenological characteristics of some territories in the north-western area of Sicily (edited by IRVV – Tip. Zangara February 1998)

– Syrah winemaking experiences in a hot-arid environment (Seminar “Diffusion, cultivation and transformation of Syrah through national and international examples” S. Michele all'Adige 12.3.98)

– Robust design: an application to the winemaking process (SISS Congress – 11.4.98)

– Phenology of some newly introduced cultivars in Sicily (L'Informatore Agrario n 44/99)

Description of some native Italian vines (by CNP, July '99)

– Overripening on the Nero d'Avola grape plant: analytical profile of the grapes and wines (L'Enotecnico n. 3/2000).

– Interesting national vines for the Italian territory: the results of the experimentation in Sicily (Proceedings of the conference “The valorisation of quality Italian vines” Siena 1.6.2000, organized by MIPAF)

– Investigation into the nature of the yeasts present in musts subjected to hyperoxidation. (The Winemaker XXXVI (11), 2000: 85-91) .

– Wines obtained by microvinification of the cv. Inzolia, Grillo, Nero d'Avola and Frappato from different areas of Sicily (2nd Workshop of the Multiregional Operational Program “Support Activities for Development Services for Agriculture” – Measure 2 – Project B35: “Improvement and valorisation of wines obtained from native grapes of southern Italy through the study of the critical variables that determine the sensorial typicality", Foggia, 1 June 2001)

– Sensory profile of wines obtained by microvinification of the cv. Inzolia, Grillo, Frappato and Nero d'Avola from different areas of Sicily (2nd Workshop of the Multiregional Operational Program “Support Activities for Development Services for Agriculture” – Measure 2 – Project B35: “Improvement and valorisation of wines obtained from native grapes of southern Italy through the study of the critical variables that determine the sensorial typicality", Foggia, 1 June 2001)

– The volatile components of the wine obtained from the pure vinification of Nero d'Avola grapes (2nd Workshop of the Multiregional Operational Program “Support Activities for Development Services for Agriculture” – Measure 2 – Project B35: “Improvement and valorisation of wines obtained from native grapes of southern Italy through the study of the critical variables that determine the sensorial typicality", Foggia, 1 June 2001)

– Technical, microbiological and chemical aspects connected with grape drying systems. (The Winemaker XXXVII (12), 2001: 87-97) .

Study of the population of Saccharomyces indigenous to the millstones of south-eastern Sicily (5th FISV Conference, Rimini 10-13 October 2003).

– Increasing current gradient in the electrophoretic analysis of complex restriction patterns of DNA (Annual Congress of the Department of Cellular and Developmental Biology (DBCS) “A. Monroy”, Palermo 18-19 December 2003).

Population survey of Saccharomyces indigenous to the millstones of south-eastern Sicily and creation of a collection of native yeasts for oenological use. (YCGI Conference, Alghero Loc. Tramariglio (SS) 17-18-19 June 2004).

– Study of the technological characteristics of strains of Saccharomyces isolated in south-eastern Sicily and their use in wine production. (6th FISV-Italian Federation of Life Sciences Conference, Riva del Garda-TN, 30 September-3 October 2004).

– Observations on the behavior of some Merlot clonal selections in Sicily (The agricultural informer n. 7/04)

– Influence of the environment and cultivation techniques on the production potential of the “Inzolia” cv: Results of a two-year period of observations in south-western Sicily. (Proceedings of the Italian Academy of Vine and Wine. 2004 – vol. 56).

– Different winemaking methods on Perricone (The agricultural informer n. 44/04)

– Study on the qualitative improvement of the “Cerasuolo di Vittoria” DOC (edited by IRVV – Tip. Priulla; November 2004)

– Selection of yeasts, for the wine industry in Sicily (7th Italian Congress of Food Science and Technology (CISETA) Cernobbio (CO) 19-20 September 2005).

– Behavior of clonal selections of Chardonnay (L'Informatore Agrario n. 49/05)

– Production of experimental red wines with the yeast strain S. cerevisiae NDA21. (L'Enologo XLII (11), 2006: 85-92) .

– Selection, characterization and oenological use of a new yeast strain isolated in Sicily (12th Sicily Enosimposium, 12-16 July 2006, Campofelice di Roccella- PA)

– Isolation and characterization of a new yeast strain of oenological interest (The Winemaker XLII (11), 2006: 93-98) .

– Biodiversity of Saccharomyces populations of south-eastern Sicily: a resource for oenology. (Enoforum – 5th edition, Piacenza (Italy) 13-15 March 2007).

Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains from spontaneous fermentations in Pantelleria island and their use in Zibibbo wine production(8th International Enology Symposium, Bordeaux Lac (France) 25-27 June 2007)

– The selection of yeasts for oenological use by the IRVV for white winemaking (13th Sicily Enosimposium – Brucoli 6-10 July 2007)

– Viticulture of the Aeolian Islands (II International Symposium “Malvasie del Mediterraneo” 2-6 October 2007)

– Increasing voltage gradient electrophoresis of DNA. (Journal of Chromatography, 1187 (1-2), 2008: 205-8)

– Zibibbo de Pantelleria: zones and production (Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Mountain and Steep Slope Viticulture, Monforte de Lemos-Spain 13-15 March 2008)

– Aeolian Islands: history and culture of the vineyard (Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Mountain and Steeply Slope Viticulture – Monforte de Lemos-Spain 13-15 March 2008)

– Populations of yeasts in grape musts from different areas of Sicily (31st World Congress of Vine and Wine - 6th General Assembly of the OIV - Verona (Italy) 15-20 June 2008).

Influence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from spontaneous fermentations on the aromatic and sensorial component of wines obtained from Catarratto, Inzolia and Grillo (National Conference of the Italian Society of Sensory Sciences – Milan 30 June – 1 July 2008)

– Catalog of clones (edited by IRVV – Tipografia Priulla, 2008)

– Selection of two Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains and their use for production of high quality red wines (VI Congress of the Department of Cellular and Developmental Biology (DBCS) “A. Monroy”. Palermo (Italy) 18-19 December 2008).

– Production of less alcoholic wine by Candida stellata/Saccharomyces cerevisiae mixed fermentation (VI Congress of the Department of Cellular and Developmental Biology (DBCS) “A. Monroy”. Palermo (Italy) 18-19 December 2008).

– Analysis of non Saccharomyces yeast populations isolated from grape must from Sicily (Italy). (Journal of Applied Microbiology, vol. 105 no. 6/2008: 2248-2254)

– Isolation of native Sicilian yeasts of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae species and their use for the production of experimental wines. (In: Viticulture and Oenology of Sicily. From research in the vineyard and cellar to marketing strategies. Ed. Terra- 2008 The Multimedia of Agriculture: 64-73).

– Selection of yeasts for oenological use for white winemaking: IRVV research. (In: Viticulture and Oenology of Sicily. From research in the vineyard and cellar to marketing strategies. Ed. Terra- 2008 The Multimedia of Agriculture: 74-88).

– Increasing voltage gradient electrophoresis of DNA”. (Journal of Chromatography, 1187 (1-2): 205-8/2008).

– Sangiovese and Garganega are two key varieties of the Italian grapevine assortment evolution (Vitis n. 47-2008)

– Study on the oenological potential of black Corinth grown on the Aeolian Islands (31st OIV World Congress – Verona June 2008)

– Populations of yeasts in grape musts from different areas of Sicily (31st OIV World Congress – Verona June 2008)

– Influence of Saccaromyces cerevisiae isolated from spontaneous fermentations on the aromatic and sensorial component of wines obtained from Catarratto, Inzolia and Grillo (II Conference National SISS, Milan 30 June – 1 July 2008)

– Saline soils and quality of Nero d'Avola wines (Enoforum – Piacenza 21 – 23 April 2009)

– New wines for Sicilian oenology (Enoforum – Piacenza 21 – 23 April 2009)

– Production of quality red wines with two new yeast strains isolated in south-eastern Sicily (Internet Journal of Viticulture and Oenology, n. 9/1)

– Study of indigenous Saccharomyces populations in ancient cellars of south-eastern Sicily. (Internet magazine of Viticulture and Oenology, n. 9/2)

– Mixed fermentations with different yeast species for the production of quality red wines. (15th Enosimposium – Sicily section, Campofelice di Roccella (PA, Italy) July 2009).

– Epidemics of vine downy mildew in vineyards in northern and southern Italy (32nd OIV World Congress – Zagreb June 2009)

– Influence of cold pre-fermentative maceration on the quality of Perricone and Nerello Mascalese red wines (Proceedings of the 9th CISETA Congress – Milan June 2009)

– Yeast selection for Sicilian wine industry. (“Excerpts from DBCS” VII National Congress of the Department of Cellular and Developmental Biology 17-18 December 2009)

– Study of indigenous Saccharomyces populations in ancient cellars of south-eastern Sicily. (, Internet Journal of Viticulture and Oenology, 2009 n. 9/2).

– Production of quality red wines with two new yeast strains isolated in south-eastern Sicily”. (, Internet Journal of Viticulture and Oenology, 2009 n. 9/1).

– Viticulture on the smaller islands of Sicily (5th International Congress “Wine Landscapes” – Trevi (PG) 27-28 November 2009)

– New wines for the Etna area ( – Internet magazine of Viticulture and Oenology, 2010, n. 1/3)

– Experiences on the cultivation and winemaking of Vermentino in Sicily (Symposium “Vermentino, a Mediterranean grape variety: viticultural and oenological peculiarities” Alberese 26 – 27/5/2010)

– Sennen and Gosen vines: opportunities for Sicilian wines (L'Informatore Agrario n. 22/2010)

– Oenological responses of Nero d'Avola on soils with different levels of salinity (VIII INTERNATIONAL TERROIR CONGRESS SOAVE-VERONA 14 – 18 June 2010)

– Development of a traceability methodology and definition of the petrochemical footprint in soils and wines of western Sicily in the Marsala plain-TP (VIII INTERNATIONAL TERROIR CONGRESS SOAVE-VERONA 14 – 18 June 2010)

– Defoliation tests on Merlot: viticultural and oenological responses (III National Viticulture Conference, 5 – 9 July 2010 S. Michele all'Adige -TN)

– Influence of dehydration techniques on the terpene component of sweet dessert wines (VIII Congress of Food Chemistry. Marsala 20 – 24 September 2010)

– Influence of soil salinity on the compositional and sensorial characteristics of “Nero d'Avola” wines (VIII Congress of Food Chemistry. Marsala 20 – 24 September 2010)

– Influence of Saccaromyces cerevisiae strains selected in Sicily on the chemical and sensorial composition of Inzolia, Grillo and Catarratto wines (VIII Congress of Food Chemistry. Marsala 20 – 24 September 2010)

– Influence of Soil Salinity on Sensory Characteristics and Volatile Aroma Compound of Nero d'Avola Wine (Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 61:4:498-505, 2010)

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Public Consultation Update PTPCT IRVO 2025-2027

Public consultation for the purpose of updating the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency (PTPCT) 2025/2027 In order to allow maximum involvement in the preparation of the update of the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency of the Regional Institute of Wine and Oil for the three-year period 2025/2027, all those who are interested are invited - in particular citizens, companies, consumer associations, representative trade unions, other entities operating in the territory representing particular interests - to send observations and/or proposals to the Person in Charge of the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency (RPCT), which will be evaluated when drafting the document.

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