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ProMed 2, back on the field

malta_promedAppointment on Friday, December 11th, for the final event to present the results of the Promed 2-PO Project: Italy-Malta 2007–2013. The meeting will take place at the Marabino winery, in the Buonivini district of Noto and will be attended by university professors, freelancers, industry experts and regional technicians.

The main objective of the meeting is to present the results obtained within the project "The protection of the environment in the Mediterranean islands through the valorisation of an arboreal cultivation system - PROMED 2".


The main activities conducted within the aforementioned project were: a study on the valorisation of the grapes and wines produced in Malta and the smaller islands, a manual for the sustainable management of the vineyard, a Territorial Information System for the management of the agricultural territory of the islands of Linosa, Pantelleria and Malta as well as the characterization of the soils, vines and grapes in the territories mentioned above.


On the occasion of the final event, the GIS implemented for the island of Pantelleria will be described in particular, also created in a simplified version and supported by an explanatory technical manual, to be easily used by the greatest number of users. Good practices for sustainable vineyard management and IRVO's contribution to the valorisation of the vineyard system in the smaller Mediterranean islands will also be illustrated. Finally, the voluntary vineyard management regulations prepared by the Maltese producers' association VitiMalta will be presented.


Capitalizing on some of the results obtained by ProMed will be the aim of PROMED part 2. CSEI Catania, University of Malta and VitiMalta, coordinated by IRVO, have in fact returned to work to carry out some additional actions to the ProMed project, with the financing of the PO Italia -Malta 2007/2013. Among the main activities, that of working on the SIT through the creation of a new version for non-expert users in order to increase the number of potential users; innovative vineyard management techniques, through the drafting of voluntary vineyard management regulations for the particular benefit of Vitimalt's members; the characterization of wines through the study of the shelf life of red wines produced with Maltese grapes and the valorization of Linosa zibibbo.



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