Application of community and national regulations regarding the certification and control of PDO/PGI wines.

Control body secretariat.

Management of the certification process for DOP wines.

Accreditation of the Wine Control and Certification Body.

Protection of data of interested parties according to current legislation.

Collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of viticultural and oenological data of a regional, national and international nature.

Information and consultancy to companies on regional, national and community legislation in the sector.

Collaboration with the MIPAAF for the proposals of community regulations and related ministerial decrees regulating the wine sector.

Collaboration with the Region for legislative and implementation proposals in the wine sector and technical opinions on proposals for regulations for the recognition or modifications of designations of origin.

Collaboration with protection consortia and promoting committees on proposals for the recognition or modification of specifications.



Head of the Unit Dr. Giuseppa Maria Miciletta Tel 091 6278258 [email protected]

Assigned personnel:

Dr. Francesca Salvia – Manager (Collaboration/study position)  [email protected]

Dr. Grazia Corrao Manager (Collaboration/study position)  [email protected]

– Chemical expert Giacomo Luca Raccuglia: D5 management officer
– Enol. Giovanni Giardina: D6 Executive Officer

– Dr. Robertà Cinà: C9 management instructor Tel 091 6278245  [email protected]
– Dr. Rosalia Porru: C9 directive instructor

– Mr. Calogero Piazza: C6 directive instructor (ex EAS)

– Enol. Domenico Lentini: Executive Officer D5
– Mr. Francesco Galbo: Executive Officer D6
– Enol. Giuseppe Urso: D5 Executive Officer
– Enol. Gianfranco Mazara : D5 Executive Officer
– Mr. Francesco Motisi: Executive Officer D5
– Mr. Francersco Cangemi: Management Officer

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