
24 February 2014

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Olio Capitale, the debut of Sicily


Thirteen Sicilian oil companies will be protagonists at the VIII Exhibition of Typical and Quality Extra Virgin Oils. “Olio Capitale” is the name of the event which will take place from 7 to 10 March in Trieste. A showcase of excellence at an international level in which IRVOS with some of the island's oil companies will be present for the first time. A great opportunity for visibility for Sicilian "green gold".


The eighth edition, which last year attracted over twenty thousand visitors, will also take place this year in the renovated rooms of the Maritime Station of Trieste, right in the center on the city's seafront. The choice of Trieste because it is a strategic city for reaching new markets, which has always been a crossroads of trade. Over two hundred extra virgin olive oil producers will be present this year. Producers from all over Italy, but also from Croatia and Greece. There will be meetings with European buyers and therefore the possibility of expanding your market. There will also be mini tasting courses to learn how to taste and choose a good oil. As well as learning the correct oil/dish pairing from the best chefs. But not only that, this year too there will be the Capital Oil Competition reserved for typical and quality extra virgin olive oils produced in the Mediterranean area. The prize for the best light, medium and intense fruitiness will be an exhibition space at the 2015 edition of the Olio Capitale Fair.

Here are the Sicilian oil companies that will be present:

Gregorio De Gregorio Agricultural Company

Margherita Carducci Artenisio Agricultural Company

Mandranova Agricultural Company

Bonanno Domenico company

Milazzo Company Feudo della Mariandola

Iemolo Thierry Agricultural Company

Cinque Colli Agricultural Company

Baglio Ingardia Agricultural Company

Giacomo Lima Agricultural Company

Di Liberto Maria (Elois Best Cooperat)

Gaspare Sarullo oil mill

Terrano oil mill

Lands of Gratia







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