
16 November 2012

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New IGT price list, the Ministry approves

marcello_caruso_comm_straordinarioThe Ministry said yes to the tariff relating to IGT for Sicilian wines. “It was deemed compliant by the Ministry – we read in the document – which approved the documentation transmitted as the tariffs were reduced to the benefit of the operators”.


Therefore, positive and concrete news for those who work in the sector: in short, there will be lower costs in order to obtain IGT certification for their wines. Hence the possibility, under a broader vision, to give greater value and quality to Sicilian wines. After all, this is the path taken in recent years by the Regional Institute of Wines and Oils of Sicily. Work “which aims – commented the IRVOS commissioner, Marcello Caruso – primarily at the valorisation of Sicilian wines, but not only. It also aims – underlines Caruso – to strengthen the collaboration undertaken by the Institute with producers with a view to quality and competitiveness on the market”.

The new tariffs are in fact the result of a meeting that took place between the regional body and the wine producer organisations. The recognition by the Ministry is only a first step, the tariff will be in force shortly.

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