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Internationalization 1 February 2012

Vinitaly 2012 – Taste & Buy

In this article you will find the program and module of the “TASTE & BUY –...

Laboratories 1 February 2012

The commission for DO wines has been established

“Sicilian wine qualifies itself more and more”.

Wine and various competitions 23 January 2012

The winners of Sicilia Terra Mediterranea

Sicily seen through the eyes of foreigners.

Internationalization 10 January 2012

The prize, Sicily Terra Mediterranea

The award, Sicilia Terra Mediterranea Production and communication.

Publications 3 January 2012


Programming 28 December 2011

IRVOS 2012 programme, meeting in Marsala

A very intense year ahead in terms of activities and initiatives...

Contacts 27 December 2011

Marsala headquarters

Contacts 27 December 2011

Alcamo headquarters

Publishing 14 December 2011


The irvv recognizes the importance of using new information technologies in the publishing field and wants...

Training 14 December 2011


In addition to specific training activities aimed at technicians in the sector, the IRVV announces...

Laboratories 14 December 2011

Multisite laboratories

The institutional tasks of the IRVO Laboratories are wine analysis activities,...

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