Pagina 49 di 53

Etna wineries 27 February 2012

Scammaca del Murgo

Scammaca del MurgoVia Zafferana, 13Santa Severina (CT)Tel.

Internationalization 19 February 2012

Swissicily, the best of Sicily

Positive return, for the world of Sicilian wines, from the Scandinavian countries.

Internationalization 14 February 2012

Wine tourism promotion with Ryanair

the Regional Institute of Wines and Oils of Sicily, as part of its internationalization actions, has...

Tax schedule 13 February 2012

Tax schedule

In-depth information of an administrative, fiscal and subsidized finance nature as well as...

Internationalization 7 February 2012

Scandinavian countries, first stop of the Irvos

Great participation in the first stage of Irvos, the Regional Institute of Wines and Oils...

Viticultural technical assistance 3 February 2012

Health control of grapevine viruses and phytoplasmas

The Regional Institute of Vine and Wine in 2012 planned to activate...

Wine and various competitions 2 February 2012

Idea competition for the new IRVOS logo

With Regional Law n. 25 of 24 November 2011 Art.

Internationalization 1 February 2012

CMO Wine Switzerland 2012

We inform you of the two meetings in Zurich and Lausanne on the 20th and...

Internationalization 1 February 2012

Companies and stands at Vinitaly 2012

Notice for companies Company Communication List of Participating Companies Stand – Technical Notes...

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