Pagina 42 di 53

Eataly 27 June 2012


Internationalization 23 June 2012

Sicilian wines in Brazil, boom in attendance

The Brazilian stage, promoted by IRVOS and organized by Michele, ended successfully...

News 18 June 2012

Inoveno, the project to improve Sicilian wines

Improve the offer of Sicilian wine products.

Internationalization 16 June 2012

Sicilia Gusto Mediterraneo, 4 stops in Germany

“Sicily Mediterranean Taste”. This is the name of the IRVOS project conceived and organized by...

Internationalization 11 June 2012

Tim Atkin, Sicily: a continent comes of age

Here is what Tim Atkin, Master of Wine, writes about the wines of Sicily and...

Laboratories 9 June 2012

Irvos laboratories, inspections from Monday

Three days of inspection in the IRVOS Multisite Laboratories, including those of Alcamo...

Internationalization 5 June 2012

Brazilian stop for Sicilian wines

Stop in Brazil for seventeen Sicilian wineries.

Programming 5 June 2012

Sensory Analysis

Sensory analysis at the service of marketing Who thinks that sensory analysis is the same...

Fairs and Internationalization 4 June 2012


ITALIAN WINE EXPERIENCE project – CHINA Canton 29 November – 1 December 2012...

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