Pagina 4 di 53

News 11 October 2021

AGEA CIRCULAR Mandatory declarations of harvest and production of wine and/or must for the 2021/2022 wine campaign

We inform you that it was issued with protocol. 64590 of 09/29/2021 the Circular...

News 7 October 2021

Public consultation PTPCT IRVO Update 2024-2026

Public consultation for the purposes of updating the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption...

News 1 October 2021

World Bulk Wine Exhibition 2021

The Regional Institute of Wine and Oil organizes participation in the "World...

News 24 September 2021

Panel Leader Course 2022

The Regional Institute of Wine and Oil, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce...

News 4 August 2021

Tender documents and contracts

Elements for planning works, works, services and supplies Acts relating to...

News 1 July 2021

Prowein 2022

As we know, the Dusseldorf Prowein will be held from 27 to 29 March...

News 21 June 2021

Update 2021 Regional List of Vineyard Mentions

With DDG 2073 of 06/01/2021, published in the Official Journal of the Sicilian Region,...

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