Pagina 38 di 53

Programming 22 January 2013

“The grapes tell”, conference in Palermo

“The grapes tell a story”. This is the title of the meeting that will be held on Thursday 24 January...

Internationalization 17 January 2013

India, first stop of 2013 for Sicilian wineries

Two minus for the stage in India, the first event of the 2013 Internationalization Program...

Internationalization 17 January 2013

Internationalization, the reflections of Michele Shah

11 January 2013 – Castello Utveggio – presentation of the Internationalization Program I would like to thank first of all...

Internationalization 16 January 2013

Wine Sicily Tasting

“Wine of Sicily Tasting”, a wine event entirely dedicated to the promotion of wines and...

Programming 14 January 2013

Marsala, II Regional Organic Wines Exhibition

The theme of organic and its new EEC standards, the design and...

Internationalization 12 January 2013

Internationalization Program 2013

The internationalization program drawn up was presented at Castello Utveggio, in Palermo...

Programming 10 January 2013

Giorgio Calabrese, new commissioner of Irvos

“I am happy and proud of the nomination I received from the Regional Wine Institute...

News 19 December 2012

VINISUD ASIA Shanghai 26/28 February 2013


Programming 17 December 2012

Avigere project: for precision viticulture

Research and technology. These are the two aspects that are now necessary in...

Laboratories 14 December 2012

Irvos laboratory, collaborations with the universities of Perugia and Lisbon

Create a global network between scientific research centers involved in the cultivation...

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