Pagina 31 di 53

Laboratories 19 November 2013

Wine, oil and research. Conference in Marsala

Wine, oil and research. These will be the themes of the two days that will take place...

Internationalization 10 November 2013

Marketing, training course

A training course to learn how to "attack" the foreign market.

News 8 November 2013

“Southern Roots” Award

The 2012 Catarratto produced by Cantina Patria as part of the INOVENO project, fermented with...

Internationalization 4 November 2013

Let's learn to internationalize

“Let's learn to internationalize”. This is the title of the project presented by IRVOS and which on Thursday...

Internationalization 4 November 2013

Wines of Sicily Tasting London

The “Wines of Sicily Tasting London” event kicks off next Tuesday, November 12th, the event...

Programming 25 October 2013

The Sicily of Wine at the Vittoriano in Rome

The Sicily of wine with its territories, its producers, its...

News 10 October 2013

Sensory analysis. Recruitment of judges.

IRVOS recruits "judges" in Palermo and Ispica.

Internationalization 27 September 2013

Chinese sommeliers in Sicily

A delegation from Hong Kong visiting Sicily.

Programming 26 September 2013

Mountain wines, awards ceremony in Palermo

Palermo will host the XXI edition of the International Mountain Wine and Wine Competition...

Internationalization 24 September 2013

Canada, Irvos stop in October

From 5 to 11 October. These are the dates of the wine trade mission of...

News 24 September 2013

Forecast budget

List of documents for presentation of the 2013 budget forecast Extraordinary Commissioner Resolution; Note...

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