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Programming 1 July 2015

Expo, IRVO events on 5 July

A day entirely dedicated to Sicily and its wines at the Expo in Milan.

News 25 June 2015

26 June 2015 – Regional conference “Sicilian Almond”

26 June 2015 at 5.00 pm in the premises of the municipal library of Barrafranca ...

News 17 June 2015


From 17 June 2015, it is possible to submit to this Institute, designated by...

Laboratories 16 June 2015

Assivob, the new organic association

“Assivob” is born, the Sicilian Organic Wines and Oils Association.

Laboratories June 8, 2015

Sicilian almond, IRVO becomes a certifying body

IRVO will be the certifying body for the Sicilian Almond.

Programming 25 May 2015

Planting of new vineyards in the Pelagie Islands, the announcement arrives

The OK has arrived for the assignment of rights for new vineyard plantings.

Programming 22 May 2015

Expo, NoMafia Day at the Bio-Mediterranean Cluster

On Saturday 23 May Sicily will be the protagonist at Expo through a series of important...

News 13 May 2015

Analysis request: water and soil / Sensory

Palermo Responsible Laboratories Unit: Dr.

News 13 May 2015

Sample collection request

Palermo Responsible Laboratories Unit: Dr.

News 13 May 2015

Services map – Complaints

Palermo Responsible Laboratories Unit: Dr.

News 13 May 2015

Oenological assistance and consultancy

Palermo Responsible Laboratories Unit: Dr.

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