Preliminary notes 2011 harvest

After the thermal trend lower than the average climatic values, recorded from the end of July to the first ten days of August, the heat wave of the second ten days of August, which lasted until the 25th, brought the thermal levels above the climatic values, causing a rapid evolution of the metabolic processes of synthesis and accumulation of ripening grapes.
The early cultivars, Pinot, Chardonnay, Moscato and Merlot, harvested in the first ten days of August, recorded very respectable enochemical values, and lead to the expectation of superior quality production.

However, the high temperatures recorded in recent weeks are creating some concern for winemakers preparing for the harvest.
For varieties in which harvesting is expected in about twenty days, it would be advisable where possible to intervene with emergency irrigation, in order to help the plant overcome thermal stress.
As regards in general the quantitative aspects, considering a slight attack of downy mildew and powdery mildew, which occurred in the period between flowering and fruit set, also given the requests for definitive abandonment and green harvest, in Sicily the 2011 harvest will be characterized by a decrease in the order of 20%.
For qualitative aspects and other information, please refer to the 2011 maturation kinetics bulletin,

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