Legal Notes and Privacy

(GDPR – Reg. 679/2016)

The Institute assumes no responsibility for the contents of the site which:
– may not always necessarily be exhaustive, complete, precise or up-to-date;
– do not constitute professional or legal advice;
– have no legal value.
The Institute declines all responsibility for the contents of any sites accessible through links on its site. Unless otherwise indicated by regulations, it does not guarantee that a document available online exactly reproduces an officially adopted text. Use of the site is at the user's own risk. You agree that the site and all its contents are provided “as is”. The Institute does not guarantee that the site is compatible with the user's equipment or that it is free of errors or viruses, bugs or "Trojan horses"; is therefore not responsible for damages suffered by the user due to such elements. Under no circumstances, including without limitation negligence, will the Institute be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential damage linked to the use of its website or other websites connected to it by links.

The Institute guarantees that the processing of data, which may be received via email or electronic forms, including during registration, complies with the provisions of the privacy legislation. Anything sent to our email address (requests, suggestions, ideas, information, materials, etc.) or inserted into the chat will not be considered information or data of a confidential nature, must not violate the rights of others and must contain valid information, not harmful to the rights of others and truthful, in any case no responsibility can be attributed to the Institute for the content of the messages themselves. All data collected in any case may be the subject, once made anonymous, of statistics, articles or essays linked to them as an example of study.

Data Protection Officer – RPD (DPO): ERGON Ambiente e Lavoro Srl

Contact lawyer Angela Costa Tel. 091 340837 – Cell. 335 7247941 – E-mail: [email protected] PEC:  [email protected]

All contents and information present on the IRVV website are protected under copyright law; therefore nothing, not even in part, may be copied, modified or resold for profit or to derive any benefit from it. The information contents of the site can be freely extracted and reproduced for non-commercial purposes, provided that their integrity is respected, without alterations and transformations, and the source is correctly cited.


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