
17 March 2016

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Milan, Sicilian oils for tasting

assaggio_olioAn entirely Sicilian tasting that will be held on Saturday, March 19, in Milan.

The protagonist will be extra virgin olive oil. An event organized following the event dedicated to green oil which took place in January in Milan, namely Olio Officina Festival. “On that occasion – explains Michele Riccobono, agronomist at IRVO – we organized tastings of Sicilian oil and from there the interest was born that led to Saturday's event in Lombardy”.

A full immersion in the olive oil world of Sicily made possible thanks to the collaboration of ten local companies. The tasting, which will be held in the splendid and historic location of the Visconti noble palace (S. Babila area) and which will last for the whole day, will be a taste "journey" created with the aim of making the oil of the 'Isola, its organoleptic qualities, its varieties, but not only. In fact, it will also be a moment of discussion during which enthusiasts, experts and sector technicians who will take part will have the opportunity to taste the different Sicilian oils and compare them with conventional oils. “We are very honored by this involvement and this attention – comments Riccobono who will lead the tasting – these are events that help spread a correct culture of oil”.


Here are the oil companies that have made their products available:


Agr. Az. Rollo Giorgio


Oleifici Barbera awarded


Polizzi oil mill


Agr. Az. Dara Guccione


Val Paradiso


Az Agr. Sannoto by Stefania Milio


Agr. Az. Terraliva


The Golden Drop


Agr. Az. Bonanno


Agr. Az. Lombard



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Public Consultation Update PTPCT IRVO 2025-2027

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