
12 March 2015

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UET Master, final exams at IRVO

esami_uetby Dario Di Bernardi

As part of the institutional actions aimed at supporting and qualifying the regional wine economy, Commissioner Dr. Nino Di Giacomo positively judged the holding of the final exams of the II Edition of the Post Graduate Master Class in "International Management" at the IRVO headquarters in Palermo of MCER Conference Management and Food, Wine and Religious Tourist Events". The awarding of the Diplomas took place on Tuesday 10 March 2015, in the presence of Dr. Lucio Monte himself and the President of UET ITALIA, Dr. Marina Eydoux.


Thus - adds the Commissioner - the framework of IRVO actions aimed at valorising wine and oil is enriched also through the strengthening of the link with the territory and with tourism, with the aim of stimulating the creation of itineraries consistent with the international demand for food and wine tourism which is considering tourist destinations in our region with interest. Sicily is in fact having a good appeal on social networks, new markets for international tourism, certainly due to the richness of its heritage, made more attractive today also due to the numerous communication and promotional actions that the Region has carried out, but certainly for the commitment of wine entrepreneurs who are very committed on the relational front in various markets around the world.

UET European University School for Tourism was founded in 1993 with the aim of training professionals in the tourism sector, and specifically also food and wine tourism. And we are convinced – continues Commissioner Nino Di Giacomo – that cultural growth and the involvement of new young and trained professional figures can give that further impetus necessary to seize new strategic opportunities.

Also present were Prof. Maurizio A. Boiocchi, Director of the CEI Tourist Consultancy Office and IULM Milan teacher and Dr. Dario Di Bernardi, Director of the IRVO Sicily Wine Tourism Office.


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