
20 May 2012

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Master of Wine


From Etna to Favignana. A week-long tour, from 11 to 19 May, which involved twenty-two Masters of Wine traveling not only to learn about Sicilian wines, but also the territories, the people, the scenarios that revolve around the wine product.

Michele Shah organized this first “mission”, a unique event in Sicily, which fits in with the internationalization embraced by IRVOS: “It was a beautiful experience – he comments – and a positive one. They were all thrilled. They came into contact with a broader and more complete reality of this land, each winery tried to convey the message Sicily first and foremost and this was very important."

The Etna vines, but also Nero d'Avola and Grillo, are the types of wine that have been highly appreciated by the Masters of Wine. But not only that, the study trip fully achieved its objective, that of promoting Sicily in its entirety. “I have been in Sicily for ten years – said one of the Masters of Wine, Susan Hulm from London – in Syracuse precisely, but thanks to this tour I have come to discover other wonderful places on this island”. The Spaniard Pedro Ballesteros Torres agrees and adds: “Sicily enjoys a truly astonishing variety of vines, it is its strong point. The peculiarity and the quality”. The general director of IRVOS, Dario Cartabellotta, is satisfied: “Among our objectives? Export the Sicilia brand more and more well."

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Public Consultation Update PTPCT IRVO 2025-2027

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