
14 January 2013

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Marsala, II Regional Organic Wines Exhibition


The organic theme and its new EEC regulations, planning and results. These were the themes of the II Regional Review of Sicilian Organic Wines. This year's event featured the city of Marsala, recently named European City of Wine. An event therefore "that wanted to lead the way", as commented by the oenologist Gianni Giardina and vice-president of ONAV, the National Organization of Wine Tasters promoting the event.

Two days, 12 and 13 January, intense, rich and profitable which saw the various players in this sector succeed each other on the "stage": from institutional personalities to producers, from Onav members to scientists up to enthusiasts and tourists. And above all the Regional Councilor for Agricultural and Food Resources Dario Cartabellotta, and the new commissioner of IRVOS Giorgio Calabrese, who is also national president of ONAV. “Another step forward has been taken – comments Calabrese – through this review not only has the organic principle been reaffirmed, according to European Union regulations, as a new frontier but an added value has been given to drinking. A drink that combines the health of the consumer and the satisfaction of the producer." Fighting for "born in Sicily". – is what Cartabellotta stated – We need an agrarian reform that embraces agriculture, fishing and food and which sees the collaboration of the Region and Municipalities”.

So if last year the Exhibition of Sicilian Organic Wines was a boom, the second edition that just ended was a real success, registering a massive public presence and strengthening the foundations that had already been laid. Great satisfaction therefore among the organizers: there was the collaboration of the Regional Department of Agricultural and Food Resources, of the Municipality of Marsala, of the City of Wine, of the Vi.Bio.Si Association, of the Marsala Wine Route and, like every year, of the Regional Institute of Wines and Oils of Sicily (Irvos). For the occasion, the experimental wines of the Irvos project “Vino Marsala & Territorio” were presented by the director of the technical-scientific area Lucio Monte, the professor Rocco Di Stefano and the oenologist Giuseppe Genna. “Marsala is dear to the Institute – commented Monte – here we have a headquarters and a cellar where biologists, oenologists, agronomists, chemists work and where various projects are carried out. Projects that start from the assumption that a good wine comes from a good vineyard. Hence our project on Marsala wine." Wines which were also tasted together with those representative of the PDO areas of Trapani and the organic ones of the Vi.Bio.Si association. During the two days, moments dedicated to reflection on the new EEC regulations regarding organic wines alternated, giving space to debates and proposals, with equally intense moments dedicated to technical tastings and some awards. Like that of the “Irvos Marco De Bartoli Award” awarded to a young winemaker and researcher from Marsala, Vito Mezzapelle. A Mozart of wine given that at just 11 years old he was already experimenting with his production with good success, as he himself tells us and adds: "I am honored and happy to receive this award which gives me the encouragement to move forward and always work and better in this world."

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