
6 November 2012

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Lyon, Irvos presents data on Linosa


From 7 to 9 November. These are the dates of the fourth International Congress on Mountain Viticulture to be held in France, in Lyon. An event of great importance in which IRVOS will participate. In particular, during the three days, the Regional Institute of Wines and Oils of Sicily will present the work carried out on viticulture on the island of Linosa. It will therefore expose the realities and perspectives that have emerged, the result of studies carried out as part of the ProMed Italia-Malta 2007-2013 project.

The International Congress which focuses attention on heroic viticulture by highlighting the scientific research conducted and the progress recorded, is organized by CERVIM in collaboration with the Comité de Pilotage Viti-Vinicole du Rhône-Alpes. It is therefore a great event at which all the experts in the sector will be present who will have the opportunity to discuss mainly on the topic entitled "Viticulture reconquers the slopes". That is, the sustainability aspects of mountain and steep slope viticulture (technical, economic and environmental aspects) and the role of winemakers in land management, in the conservation of landscapes and in the valorisation of wines and territories. The third congress was held in 2010 in Sicily in Castiglione di Sicilia, Catania.



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