
4 November 2012

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Irvos and Caep, tasting with foreign winemakers


“The wine that unites”. This is the philosophy that guided the experience, organized by CAEP Italia and the Regional Institute of Sicilian Wines and Oils, which will end on November 16th. An experience that sees six young winemakers from various countries as protagonists in the Sicilian harvest. Lands of Jafar, Associated winemakers of Canicattì, Cummo Vini, Azienda Agricola Virgona and Azienda Agricola Messana Vincenzo are the companies that joined the project.

But not just the harvest, their wines were "compared" during a meeting, which proved to be very constructive, which was held in Sambuca di Sicilia at the headquarters of the Strada del Vino Terre Sicane, whose president, Gori Sparacino, was also present. “We wanted – explains the oenologist Gianni Giardina of the Regional Institute of Wines and Oils of Sicily – to give these young foreign oenologists the opportunity to come into contact with the variety of Sicilian wines, to learn about their peculiarities”. It was Giardina who led the tasting which was held at the Planeta winery.

“The 'The wine that unites' project – comments Francesco Ditta, director of CAEP Italia – has brought Sicily closer to European and non-European countries, but has also managed to compare different wine-growing realities on the island”. In short, the objective was fully achieved: "We have created a common thread between Salina and Paceco passing through Alcamo and Canicattì", adds Ditta. The six winemakers from China, England, Spain and Peru were enthusiastic about the meeting. A project born with specifically technical connotations that has transformed and evolved into a social project.

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