17 June 2024

Provisional list of beneficiaries Public notice DDG 208/2024 Aid for social wineries

DDG n°248 of 06/17/24 “Approval of the provisional list of beneficiaries pursuant to the Public Notice referred to in DDG 208/24 Aid to Social Wineries for greater financial burdens of the Russian-Ukraine conflict.

DDG 248/24

Provisional list of Beneficiaries attached to DDG no. 248 of 06/17/2024 approving the List itself

Questo contenuto sarà disponibile fino alle 9:42 del Monday 29 July 2024

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News 15 April 2024

List of technological solutions adopted by SAs for the automation of their activities

At present, IRVO has not envisaged automation of activities; the P purchasing portal is used to manage the life cycle of contracts.

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