
6 August 2012

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The wine that unites foreign winemakers for the harvest in Sicily


From August 16th to November 16th. This is the period of time in which eight trainees from abroad will be involved in the Sicilian grape harvest at some wineries on the island. An experience made possible thanks to the project which once again sees CAEP Italia and IRVOS involved together.

“International Inbound for Sicilian Wine Companies 2012” project is the title: an idea born a few years ago under the pressure of the same foreign sector experts interested in Sicily's wine. Moreover, after the positive results of the winemaking internships in countries such as New Zealand, Australia and the USA, which began a few years ago and are unique in the whole of Italy, "the internationalization of Sicily 'from the comfort' of home" has become almost consequential, comments the director of CAEP Italia Francesco Ditta.

The idea therefore becomes reality and will begin with the 2012 harvest. There are six participating Sicilian wineries that will host the eight trainees from China, New Zealand, Spain, England and Peru. “These are oenology students or oenologists, therefore already graduated – Ditta points out – with at least one harvest experience behind them”. Feudo Montoni, Terre di Giafar, associated winemakers of Canicattì, Cummo Vini, Azienda Agricola Virgona and Azienda Agricola Messana Vincenzo are the wineries that are participating in this embryonic phase of the project. “A project which in the future – concludes Ditta – could have repercussions of considerable importance. Cultural exchange is the basis of growth, we have a lot to learn from other countries and at the same time we have a lot to give and to make known about our island. Meanwhile, from this first tranche we will be able to understand how foreigners perceive our land, especially our wines. Ours is a specialized territorial brand operation." Parallel to the new project, from 15 September, other selections will be held for Sicilian winemakers who want to participate in the 2013 harvest in Australia and New Zealand in February. Seven more places available. The selections will end in November. For more information just send an email to the following address: [email protected].



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