
10 January 2012

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The prize, Sicily Terra Mediterranea

The prize,
Sicily Mediterranean Land

Production and communication. Together they constitute a force. Hence the Sicilia Terra Mediterranea Award: promoting wine-producing Sicily, its territories and the culture of vines and wine are the objectives. An award that rewards journalists and writers who, through media communication activities, have contributed to spreading the knowledge of international public opinion on the qualitative value of wines made in Sicily.

Forty-four participants are part of the world of print media, TV, radio and the web. Seven winners who will be announced on Monday 16 January at 7pm at the Hotel Piazza Borsa in Palermo. “The aim – comments the general director of Irvos, Dario Cartabellotta – is to facilitate the relations of the Sicilian wine system with the world of international information”.
 The competition is in fact promoted by Irvos and is part of the aim of valorising and above all "translating" Sicilian wines into the right dimension in European countries and beyond.

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