
23 June 2012

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Sicilian wines in Brazil, boom in attendance

brazil_irvosThe Brazilian stage, promoted by IRVOS and organized by Michele Shah and Cristina Neves srl, for the participating Sicilian wineries, ended successfully. Over four hundred people took part. The seminar led by Azevedo, the director of the Brazilian Sommelier Association of Sao Paulo, together with Giovanni Bacigalupo, president of Italian Wine Selection and Michele Shah, aroused great interest. Eighteen wines were presented during the seminar.

“It is a great satisfaction – comment Bacigalupo and Shah – the success of this event. We must not stop here however, we now need to have the consistency and continuity to work on the Brazilian market. A "hit and run" is not enough to create a Brand Sicily, we must plan for three to five years to have a real result. After all, the potential exists, producers must have confidence and the desire to invest."
Among those present also the most important trend journalist in the world of Brazilian wine, Jorge Lucki, who declared: “I really liked the tasting and the seminar, I haven't been to Sicily for many years and I realize that there is great quality, it's time to come back." And he will certainly be present at the incoming event at the end of September organized by Michele Shah srl and IRVOS: "We have already discussed his invitation and his presence for September", guarantees Shah. The opinions of the importers were also excellent: “Finally a five-star event made in Sicily. – begins Giuseppe Russo, Sicilianess importer of the Azienda Agricola Geraci – Only in this way can we influence the market with Italian and Sicilian wines. I'm very happy to have taken part, we set more trends than France, whose wine dominates the market. If we continue like this, we will be able to overcome it." Bruno Airaghi, Planeta importer, added: “It is exceptional to have so many presences. Here we have the best of the Brazilian sector, the top journalists and also excellent restaurateurs. It's a great departure for Sicily."

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