
4 May 2015

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2015 financial report, more than 5 million to the IRVO. Di Giacomo satisfied

di_giacomo_copy“I express great satisfaction for the resources assigned to the Regional Institute of Wine and Oil in the 2015 budget”. This is the immediate comment of the extraordinary commissioner of IRVO Antonino Di Giacomo Pepe. Five million two hundred thousand euros which will be allocated to the body specialized in research, promotion and certification of the Sicilian wine and olive growing world.

“Unlike those allocated in previous years – underlines Di Giacomo – sufficient resources have been included to guarantee the salaries of the staff”.

The IRVO employees who in recent years have increasingly tightened their belts while continuing to guarantee the excellent and concrete activity of the organization, demonstrating great professionalism, can thus breathe a sigh of relief.

“This result – adds Di Giacomo – is the result of the political determination of the regional councilor for Agriculture Nino Caleca expressed in the council and in the Ars budget commission, considering the IRVO fundamental in the provision of services to companies in the wine and olive oil supply chains -olive producers of our Region. I therefore take this opportunity to thank the councilor for the role he recognizes for our Institute, which in a state of serenity can thus fully commit its professionalism to upcoming promotional and research and innovation transfer projects, always characterized by quality. I think I am interpreting the thoughts of the general director Lucio Monte and of all the staff of the institution - concludes the extraordinary commissioner - by inviting the Councilor to the Institute to thank him for the commitment shown in favor of IRVO".


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