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Fairs and Internationalization


The Regional Institute of Wine and Oil, within the framework of regional planning, develops, proposes and implements operational strategies for the Sicilian wine and oil supply chains by organizing or participating in fairs and conferences, collaborating in developing marketing strategies for the marketing of products and to undertake penetration actions on national and foreign markets.
The attention of important markets towards our wines, in conjunction with the downsizing of production in the entire country and in a European context which marks the reduction of cultivated areas, highlights the significance of the success of the strategies pursued through the programs and activities of the IRVOS.
It is therefore the Institute's intention to continue, further strengthening it, the action undertaken thus far to keep pace with the ever-increasing development of the sector and thus create the necessary and indispensable conditions to face with incisiveness and determination the comparison with an increasingly competitive and characterized by the use of increasingly advanced technologies.
The carrying out of promotional activities in Italy and abroad, illustrated in the "promotional plan" adopted annually, will continue to represent one of the cornerstones of the activity, in which an ever-increasing number of companies will be involved, also through the experimentation of new operating models such as Fullservice, focused on increasing interactivity between the Institute and companies.


Coordination of promotional activities
Setting up and implementing annual and multi-year promotional programs
Relationships with promotional offices of regional, national and foreign bodies
Organization and participation in fairs and exhibitions
Marketing activities
Public relations
Relations with mass media
Periodical and monographic publications of an informative nature
Organization of conferences, meetings and meetings and relations with the national and foreign regional environment

Competent Structures:

National and international trade fair activities
General direction


Organization of national and international trade fair activities and related events
Participation in promotional activities

Application form Mod1

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News 15 April 2024

List of technological solutions adopted by SAs for the automation of their activities

At present, IRVO has not envisaged automation of activities; the P purchasing portal is used to manage the life cycle of contracts.

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