
13 February 2016

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Expert wine tasters, the ONAV course begins

corso_onavXXI Oenology and Tasting Course of the National Organization of Wine Tasters. We start in Palermo on March 15th with the first lesson. Eighteen weekly meetings which will involve oenologists, agronomists and industry experts for a journey that will lead enthusiasts of the world of wine, but also those who already work in this sector (vitiviniculture, catering, bars and wine shops), to become expert tasters.

The topics addressed will range from the elements of physiology of the senses to the tasting technique crucial for appreciating the sensorial nuances of wine, from viticulture to oenology, from the merits to the alterations and defects of wines and much more. 

The educational journey will end in the cellar where the production processes and the "secrets" that allow us to obtain a quality wine will be explained. Each meeting includes a theoretical part and a guided tasting of 4 wine samples, representative of the grape variety and the territory, selected by expert tasters. The lessons are held by qualified speakers, oenologists, agronomists, experts and the wines will be served and tasted without indicating the producer. The teaching direction of the course is entrusted to the oenologist Gianni Giardina, national vice president of ONAV. At the end of the course, after a final exam, the taster's license will be issued.  

“We are very satisfied with what we have achieved in the province of Palermo for the growth of the “Wine Culture” in these twenty years of activity. – comments Giardina – The numbers speak for themselves, over 1200 diplomas awarded to expert tasters, more than 400 educational lessons held by highly qualified teachers on viticultural and oenological topics, more than 100 seminar meetings, 250 thematic evenings on the various types of wine, 100 educational visits and study trips to Sicily and other wine-growing regions, more than 6000 wines evaluated organoleptically as well as numerous tasting stands and various events. With our activity – he continues – we have fully carried out our institutional role and I believe I have contributed to a correct knowledge of wine as well as to the qualitative growth of the wines with the assiduous activity of prodding towards the producers. Many of our experts are part of of the tasting commissions for the evaluation of Sicilian DOC wines at IRVO". 

The course, which this year will be held at the CIT HOTELES – DEA PALERMO (formerly Hotel Agip) will end on May 31st. 

It was inaugurated by the general director of the Regional Institute of Wines and Oils of Sicily, Lucio Monte.  

Registrations are limited and you have until February 29th.

A maximum of 50 participants is expected.


For further details you can contact the following contacts:

Gianni Giardina – 330 692321 – [email protected]

Marianna Alio – 347 5002002   –   [email protected]



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