
6 August 2019

DOC Sicilia Grillo notice 1611/2019



We inform you that, just like the last harvest campaign, also for this 2019/2010 campaign with Councilor DDG 1611/2019 of 01/08/2019 , the Department, upon request of the Consortium for the Protection of DOC SICILIA wines and, having consulted the professional and trade organisations, as provided for in paragraph 2 of the art. 39-Management of productions of Law 12 December n. 238, established, in relation to some types of DOC “Sicilia” with reference to Grillo grape variety ( “Sicily” Grillo; “Sicily” Grillo reserves And “Sicily” Grillo sparkling wine), that the maximum quantity of wine that can be certified to DOC “Siciliamust be equal to that obtainable from a maximum quantity of grapes equal to 110 quintals per hectare.

It is specified that for the purposes of claim of the grapes and wine act to DOC “Sicilia” Grillo; DOC “Sicilia” Grillo reserve and DOC “Sicilia” Grillo sparkling wine, nothing changes compared to previous years, that is to say that grapes can be claimed up to the maximum yield foreseen by the production specifications of 14 t/ha and, consequently, from these grapes (claimed based on the maximum yield of 14 t/ha) it will be possible to claim a maximum quantity of suitable wine based on the maximum yield of grapes in wine of the 70% prescribed by the specification for these types.

However, as already specified, Only a maximum quantity of wine equal to that obtainable from a maximum quantity of grapes of 11 t/ha can be certified as DOC “Sicilia” Grillo, including reserve and sparkling wine.

The possibles surplus wines and musts, obtained from a quantity of grapes beyond this maximum yield limit of 110 quintals/ha and up to the original maximum limit set by the specification of 140 quintals/hectare, could be reclassified according to current legislation or, could be blocked and kept loose in the state of suitable wine to become DOC “Sicilia” Grillo, also reserve and also sparkling wine, until the issue of any new regional unblocking measure, only following which it will also be possible to request DOC “Sicilia” Grillo certification for them.

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