
12 September 2014

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Di Giacomo: “Get to work straight away”. Meeting with the Hon. Giuffrida

di_giacomo_giuffridaThe new extraordinary commissioner of IRVO, Nino Di Giacomo, is at work, just one day after taking office. Yesterday afternoon, at the institution's premises, a meeting was held with the managers of the Agriculture Department and with the Honorable Michela Giuffrida of the Commission for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament. On the table is the valorisation of the activities and structures of the Sicilian Wines and Oils Institute.

Priority is the launch of the laboratories in Ispica for pesticides as well as for water analysis and those in Western Sicily for analyzes of olive oil. “Two strategic positions – explained Di Giacomo together with the general director of the institution Lucio Monte – by making use of two existing structures already complete with machinery, these and the related activities could constitute a source of self-financing for the Institute”. In short, a breath of fresh air for the institution which in recent months has had to deal with regional cuts.

The Honorable Giuffrida is enthusiastic and determined to give her full support: “I am informed of the activities and projects carried out by IRVO and I recognize their value and quality. – she began during the meeting – Therefore I am willing to collaborate that can lead to the full development of the potential of the institution in the broader perspective of the development of Sicily and its valorisation”.

A first step therefore that leaves wide margins of positivity open. 

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