
1 February 2016

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Russian delegation visiting IRVO


A Russian delegation visiting the IRVO headquarters. Some young representatives of businesses, chambers of commerce, innovation agencies and restaurant chains

from various regions of Russia had the opportunity to learn about some more technical aspects of wine and taste it.

The meeting was held a few days ago in the institution's headquarters where the general director, Lucio Monte, and the staff welcomed the young Russians. The delegation was visiting Palermo as part of the School “EXPO 2015: food as an opportunity of development and cooperation” organized by CERISDI in collaboration with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

“A visit – comments Monte – to our Institute which filled us with satisfaction and we thank CERISDI for this. It was also an opportunity to raise awareness of the productive part of our island and the more specific work that the organization carries out to protect Sicilian quality and excellence. On our part there is the utmost willingness to create forms of collaboration."

The Russian delegation had the opportunity to taste around ten DOP wines including reds, whites, Malvasias and dessert wines. The tasting will be led by the IRVO biologist director, Daniele Oliva. 

At the end of the meeting, the young Russians were given copies of a book on Sicilian oils.



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