
11 January 2018

DDG year 2021

Publication pursuant to art.23 legislative decree 33/13 and art.68 lr 21/14, as amended by art. 98 co.6 lr 9/15

DDG No. (Link) Publication Date object content any expected expenditure in € details of main documents in the file
345 of 30/12 04/01/2022

-assessment of sums and changes to the 2021 budget -

-assessment of sums and changes to the 2021 budget - 

– Minutes of the Board of Auditors n. 11/2021— 

344 of 30/12 04/01/2022

commitment sums

Sanitization of Palermo and Marsala offices



343 of 28/12 04/01/2022

–Fund for the financing of the remuneration of the variable part position and of results for Irvo executives-

 –Fund for the financing of the remuneration of the variable part position and of results for Irvo executives for the year 2021–



342 of 28/12  04/01/2022

commitment sums 

purchase of consumables


ODA No. 6569888

341 of 28/12 28/12/2021

-Irvo/Caltagirone Grain Growing Station dispute-

Verification of sums


- Accounting and budget statement of 27.12.2021 -

340 of 28/12 28/12/2021

–Commitment of VAT sums for Institute Split Payment December 2021–

–Commitment of sums for VAT Institute Split Payment relating to payable invoices December 2021—


–Monthly summary statement VAT Institute Split Payment December 2021 —

339 of 28/12 28/12/2021

Purchase of micro cellar disgorger

Micro cellar disgorger purchase procedure


Prot. quote n. 11134-2021

338 of 28/12 04/01/2022

Approval of financial commitment for ATS IRVO project proposal

Commitment of sums to be allocated to the implementation of the ATS IRVO project proposal prot. 11042 of 12/15/2021

30.000,00 Proposal
337 of 28/12 04/01/2022


Acceptance of offer 6.856,00

CREVAL OFFER N. 11265 OF 22.12.2021

336 of 22/12 22/12/2021 Agreement rectification  Amendment to Fo.RD agreement, 2020 Amendment of Agreement
335 of 22/12 22/12/2021 commitment sums Fo.RD Agreement 2021  163.098,22 Decentralized contract
334 of 22/12 27/12/2021 IRVO/Cantina Don Saro controversy Registration tax payment 420,75

Tax payment notice, Revenue Agency register - Palermo n. 2020/002/DI/000005879/0/001

333 of 22/12 27/12/2021 commitment sums purchase of autosamplers for titrators 15.000,00 MEPA
332 of 22/12 22/12/2021 commitment sums Salaries and contributions Dec 2021 –  294.570,76
331 of 22/12 22/12/2021 spending commitment UNIPOLSAI insurance extension  4.796,00
330 of 22/12 22/12/2021

spending commitment

Various invoices in 2021



329 of 22/12 22/12/2021



minutes of the board of auditors 11/2021 

328 of 21/12 22/12/2021

Irvo/Cantine Don Saro Srl controversy

assignment of the mandate to Lawyer Maurizio Lino – filing of bankruptcy liabilities


injunctive decree Court of Palermo n. 5879/2020

327 of 21/12 27/12/2021 spending commitment ACCREDIA reaccreditation fee 1000,00 Accredia price list
326 of 21/12 22/12/2021 Staffing as of 01/01/2021 Staffing 01/01/2021
325 of 12/15 21/12/2021 - Spending commitment in favor of the State Printing and Mint Institute - –Purchase of DOCG Cerasuolo di Vittoria and DOC Sicilia state labels- 547.342,86
324 of 14/12 21/12/2021 IRVO/LI Volsi controversy Registration tax 208,75 Registration tax
323 of 14/12 21/12/2021 spending commitment water heater supply 201,67
322 of 14/12 21/12/2021 spending commitment –Reimbursement of IRVO employee expenses– 282,46
321 of 14/12 21/12/2021

spending commitment

–Urgent work Laboratory and fifth floor —



320 of 14/12 15/12/2021

spending commitment

responsive purchases


offer dated 11/30/2021

319 of 14/12  15/12/2021

spending commitment

purchase hydrometer with autosampler


Mepa race

318 of 14/12 15/12/2021

- cost pledge for shipping yeasts -

-coverage of shipping costs of yeasts from the IRVO Collection to the Department of Agriculture of the University of Perugia-


-Council Resolution n. 16 of 10/20/2021–

317 of 14/12 15/12/2021

BoD president missions

payment for missions


mission statement

316 of 13/12 15/12/2021

- Staff skills thirteenth month salary 2021 -

–Thirteenth month's salary for the year 2021–


315 of 07/12 13/12/2021

- Commercial VAT Advance Payment December 2021 –

- Commitment and settlement of sums for the payment of the commercial VAT advance in December 2021 -


– Communication from the DR Consultant Fanino Pappalardo with email dated 03-12-2021 for the payment of the commercial VAT deposit in December 2021

314 of 07/12 13/12/2021

-Inst. VAT Payment Split Payment November 2021-

–Commitment and settlement of sums for the payment of VAT for the Institute Split Payment relating to payable invoices November 2021–


–Monthly summary statement VAT Institute Split Payment November 2021 —

313 of 07/12 13/12/2021

-Commercial VAT payment November 2021-

–Commitment and settlement of sums for commercial VAT payment November 2021-


- Monthly summary comm. VAT November 2021 —

312 of 06/12 09/12/2021

-Generali Italia Spa policy premium year 2021—

-Generali Italia Spa policy premium for the year 2021 for Picciolo Alessandro and Smedile Annalisa employees—


311 of 06/12 09/12/2021

-Commitment and settlement of institutional activity missions—

Commitment and settlement of institutional activity missions



310 of 06/12 09/12/2021

-Commitment and liquidation of oil ODCC missions—




309 of 06/12 13/12/2021

advance mission G. Giardina




308 of 06/12 09/12/2021

-Commitment and settlement of wine odcc missions 




307 of 02/12 09/12/2021

- reimbursement of Sicily PGI olive grower inspection missions to collaborating inspectors of the Regional Agriculture Department and ESA -

– reimbursement of Sicily PGI olive grower inspection missions to collaborating inspectors of the Regional Agriculture Department and ESA —


-refund requests to IRVO

306 of 02/12 09/12/2021

- reimbursement for DOC/IGT wine grower inspection missions and wine sampling suitable for DO to collaborating inspectors of the Regional Agriculture Department and ESA -

– reimbursement for DOC/IGT wine grower inspection missions and wine sampling suitable for DO to collaborating inspectors from the Regional Agriculture Department and ESA –


-refund requests to IRVO—

305 of 02/12 03/12/2021

stamp duty

- stamp duty costs for signing the Agreement with the University of Perugia -


Council resolution no. 16/2021

304 of 02/12 03/12/2021

spending commitment

Manzoni assignment

6,000.00+ VAT

offer prot 10272 of 11/26/2021

303 of 30/11 03/12/2021

purchase weather station

Purchase procedure

3,085.00 + VAT

-Prot. estimate n. 9626-2021

302 of 30/11 03/12/2021

cancellation of DDG 274

Prowein 2022 dues refund


Etna DOC consortium note n.9937 of 11/19/2021 

301 of 30/11 03/12/2021

Spending commitment

Maggioli company IT prot


–Mepa Negotiation 1474457/2020-

300 dated 30/11 03/12/2021

Reimbursement of doctor expenses Barletta

Reimbursement of expenses advanced by the doctor. Barletta


– Service point invoice no. 310 of 29.10.21 – Sortino Multiservice invoice n. 8069 of 12.10.21–

299 of 29/11 01/12/2021

IRVO-EXPO spa 2015 dispute in liquidation. Transactional definition

IRVO-EXPO 2015 spa dispute in liquidation. Transactional definition


-Deed of TYransation IRVO-EXPO 2015 spa in liquidation November 2021-

298 of 24/11 29/11/2021 spending commitment  supply of IT material 5.397,14

Prot. note n. 10171/2021-

297 of 23/11  26/11/2021 -Personal skills for the month of November 2021- Salaries November 2021 284.994,47
296 of 23/11 29/11/2021 spending commitment -IRVO Palermo car repair sums integration 2021- 61,00 –Prot. note n. 9890/2021-
295 of 23/11 29/11/2021 spending commitment -participation in the Ring Test wine interlaboratory circuit- 660,00 -authorization of the Director prot.n°9653 of 11/11/21-
294 of 23/11 29/11/2021 spending commitment -annual spectrophotometer maintenance- 7.541,00 -authorization of the Director prot.n°9657 of 11/11/21-
293 of 23/11 29/11/2021 spending commitment

annual maintenanceWineScan Foss-

8.280,00 -authorization of the Director prot.n°9623 of 10/11/21-
292 of 23/11 29/11/2021 EXPENDITURE COMMITMENT - micropipette calibrations 735,00 -authorization of the Director prot.n°9485 of 08/11/21-
291 of 18/11 23/11/2021 End of service indemnity TFS payment in favor of Mrs. Rosalia Failla 36.413,22
290 of 11/16 23/11/2021 Spending commitment

IT management of compliance with Work environment safety Legislative Decree 81/2008

1,414.00 + VAT

offer prot.n.9701 of 11/15/2021

289 of 11/16 23/11/2021 -Payment of compensation in lieu of notice.- -Payment of compensation in lieu of notice to the heirs of Dr.ssa A. Turco, Moavero Vittoria and Moavero Silvia- 80.473,63
288 of 11/16 23/11/2021



15,860.00 VAT included
287 of 11/16 23/11/2021



20,042.86 VAT included
286 of 11/15 19/11/2021 - commitment and payment of annual fee 2021 Chamber of Commerce - -Payment to the Revenue Agency - 28,56 -Unified F24 payment model-
285 of 11/15 19/11/2021

- commitment and payment of the second IRAP and IRES advance for the year 2021 -

– -payment to the Revenue Agency —-


-Unified F24 payment model –

284 of 11/15 19/11/2021

-Purchase glass bottles –

-Procedure for purchasing glass bottles for the “G.” winery Dalmasso”—

1,291.89 + VAT

-Prot. estimate n. 9322-2021–

283 of 11/15 22/11/2021 -Irv and c.ti/Ancona dispute – -Pagamenteno tax register ruling Palermo Court of Appeal n. 2403/19
7.675,75 -Sentence no. 2403/19 Court of Appeal of Palermo – Notice of payment of registration tax n. 2019/004/SC/000002403/0/002
282 of 11/15 22/11/2021

IRVO/BUSINESS service srl dispute 

Verification of sums 

DDG 276/2021 

281 of 11/15 19/11/2021

spending commitment

Purchase of microdensity meter


-RDO Mepa 2891849

280 of 11/11 15/11/2021

spending commitment

-Supply of 2 Water Meters at Marsala Headquarters-

279 of 11/11 15/11/2021

spending commitment

Fiat Punto repair

294,94 note Prot. 97/2021
278 of 11/11 15/11/2021

spending commitment

Maintenance of Marsala headquarters

277 of 11/11 15/11/2021

spending commitment

Renewal of PEC and domains



276 of 05/11 11/11/2021

Irvo/Businmess Service Srl dispute – Settlement agreement

conciliation proposal pursuant to art. 185 bis cpc

Note from Lawyer Miceli dated 28.6.2021 – Order of the Court of Palermo dated 14 May 2021 – Note from Lawyer Miceli dated 14.7.2021 – Note Irvo n. 7918 of 20.9.2021 – DDG n. 99/2020 – Draft settlement agreement

275 of 04/11 05/11/2021 Spending commitment –Advance for IRVO personal mission expenses 2.000,00 –note Prot. 9300/D of 03/11/2021-
274 of 04/11 05/11/2021

Spending commitment

-Refund of Prowine 2020 Consorzio DOC Etna participation fees


– acknowledgment note 10158/D dated 12/22/2020

273 of 04/11 08/11/2021 -Commercial VAT payment October 2021- -Commitment and settlement of sums for commercial VAT payment October 2021- 2.319,15 - Monthly summary comm. VAT October 2021 —
272 of 04/11 08/11/2021

 -Commercial VAT payment October 2021-

-Commitment and settlement of sums for commercial VAT payment October 2021- 


-Monthly summary statement of commercial VAT October 2021 – 

271 of 04/11 05/11/2021

-Purchase cork stoppers-

–Purchasing procedure for cork stoppers for the “G.” winery Dalmasso”

800.00 + VAT

Quote 8833 for 2021 

270 of 02/11 05/11/2021

-appointment Vice President of the DOC SICILIA 3 tasting commission-



269 of 27/10 27/10/2021

Spending commitment

Supply no. 8 PCS


MEPA direct negotiation n. 1866826

268 of 27/10 28/10/2021

ACCREDIA OdC Vini accreditation maintenance rights

ACCREDIA OdC Vini accreditation maintenance rights for the period 09/30/2021-12/31/2021

267 of 27/10 04/11/2021

spending commitment in favor of Accredia

Accredia inspection visit costs of 22 and 23 July 2021



266 of 22/10 27/10/2021

Commitment and settlement of institutional activity missions

265 of 22/10 27/10/2021

Commitment and settlement of oil odcc missions

264 of 22/10 27/10/2021

Commitment and settlement of wine odcc missions




263 of 22/10 25/10/2021

Spending commitment

RC. CDA-2021


Note Assignment n. prot. 9126/2021

262 of 22/10 27/10/2021

Spending commitment

Purchase of automatic titrators


RDO MEPA n° 2878292

261 of 22/10 27/10/2021

Spending commitment in favor of Randazzo Srl Carini (PA)

Storage and delivery service for the DOC Sicilia and DOCG Cerasuolo di Vittoria state labels

22,657.14 VAT incl.
260 of 22/10 27/10/2021

Personal skills for the month of October 2021 

Salaries October 2021 



259 of 21/10 29/10/2021

Payment of OIV fees

Assumption of spending commitment for payment of OIV fees


OIV assignment assignment act

258 of 20/10 21/10/2021

Spending commitment

Fuel vouchers


MEPA tender no. 6388666

257 of 20/10 21/10/2021

Spending commitment

Ordinary maintenance and sanitization service for IRVO offices


256 of 20/10 21/10/2021

Spending commitment

IRVO office cleaning service extension


Assignment note no. prot 9825-9826/2021

255 of 20/10 21/10/2021

Spending commitment

Participation in IRVO event 23-24-25-October Taormina


Prot. quote n. 8760/2021

254 of 10/13 14/10/2021

Refund of sums

Purchase of rubber membrane for hydropress


Note 7939/2021

253 of 13/10 14/10/2021

spending commitment

Purchase Enzyme Kits


offer n°7989 of 09/27/2021

252 of 10/13 14/10/2021

spending commitment

Purchase buffer solutions


offer n°1978030 of 09/28/2021

251 of 10/13 14/10/2021

spending commitment

Purchase electrode for pH meter


offer n°745-552-21 dated 09/28/2021

250 of 10/13 14/10/2021

spending commitment

Purchase of reagents and laboratory materials


offer n°21/01606 of 09/27/2021

249 of 10/13 14/10/2021

expenses for the operation of the oil certification control body

248 of 10/13 14/10/2021

expenses for the functioning of the WINE certification control body

247 of 08/10 12/10/2021

Payment of registration tax injunctive decree dispute Irvo/Gal lands of Etna and Alcantara

payment of registration tax and issue of injunction in favor of Irvo


Injunction decree no. 4547/20219 – tax payment notice Revenue Agency Territorial Office of Palermo

246 of 08/10 12/10/2021

VAT Payment Ist. Split Payment September 2021

Commitment and settlement of sums for the payment of Ist. VAT Split Payment relating to payable invoices September 2021


Monthly VAT summary statement Split Payment Institute September 2021

245 of 08/10 12/10/2021

Commercial VAT payment September 2021

Commitment and settlement of sums for commercial VAT payment in September 2021


Monthly summary comm. VAT September 2021

244 of 08/10 08/10/2021

Approval of scientific collaboration agreement with IBBR-CNR

Scientific collaboration for the study of mycoviruses in yeasts of oenological interest

Commissioner Resolution no. 10 of 7/13/2020; Operational Agreement IRVO – IBBR CNR prot. 9174 of 1/12/2020

243 of 07/10 08/10/2021 Spending commitment

Purchase of batteries for data loggers and thermometer probes

419,00 offer n°23377465 of 09/17/2021
242 of 01/10 06/10/2021 –Approval of Individual Employment Contract—

– Approval of the Individual Work Contract by Dr. Francesca Salvia as head of the Regional Viticultural and Olive Oil Observatory Unit from 01/10/2021 to 30/09/2023—-


241 of 30/09 01/10/2021 Spending commitment

participation in the Amsterdam fair

38,450.00 + VAT

Prot. quote 8089/2021

240 of 09/30 01/10/2021

Spending commitment

participation in the event 1-2-3- October San Vito Lo Capo

10,000.00 + VAT

Prot. quote 8089/2021

239 of 30/09 04/10/2021

Verification of sums

Contractual agreement with Cantina Sociale Corbera


Contractual agreement referred to in DDG 222/2021

238 of 09/28 30/09/2021

imp. Expenditure in favor of Canino Srl SB


management of the new OdCC wine portal 01/10/21-30/09/22

237 of 28/09 30/09/2021

imp. Expense for winegrower inspection visits


assignment of vit. inspection visits. External staff

236 of 09/28 30/09/2021

imp. Expenditure in favor of Canino Srl SB


OdCC wine portal management fee 1 August - 30 September 2021

235 of 09/27 30/09/2021

imp. Expenditure in favor of F. Motisi


advance mission inspection visits packing. Outside the region

234 of 09/27 28/09/2021

supply of whistleblowing platform

DIGITALPA company assignment

670.00 + VAT

Prot. quote 7714/2021

233 of 27/09 29/09/2021

Personal skills for the month of September 2021

Salaries September 2021

232 of 24/09 28/09/2021

Assignment of Managerial Appointment

Assignment of managerial role to Dr. Francesca Salviadi, head of the Regional Viticultural and Olive Oil Observatory Unit from 01/10/2021 to 30/09/2023

Declaration of incompatibility
231 of 24/09 28/09/2021

Irvo Employee Retirement

Retirement of Irvo employee Mrs. Ribaudo Maria Giuseppina starting from 01/11/2021

230 of 22/09 23/09/2021

Spending commitment

Mepa race -n. 7 Air conditioners at IRVO locations


Direct deal no. 1817523

229 of 22/09 23/09/2021

Spending commitment

Purchase of micropipettes


offer n°2121518157 dated 03/08/2021

228 of 22/09 23/09/2021

Spending commitment

Expense reimbursement


227 of 22/09 27/09/2021

Spending commitment

RC Incendio e furo Marsala winery + tasting room 5th floor 2021


226 of 21/09 22/09/2021

Two-year purchasing plan

update pursuant to art. 7 c.8 DMIT 14/2018

OdCC note 7951 dated 9/20/21

225 of 08/09 13/09/2021

Spending commitment

Press repair

637.60 + VAT

Quote 7561/2021

224 of 07/09 10/09/2021


Appearance before the Court of Palermo against opposition to an injunction


Writ of summons in opposition to injunction dated 18.5.2021 – Irvo note n. 5559 of 25.6.2021 – Note from Lawyer Comandè dated 7.9.21

223 of 03/09 07/09/2021

Change of name of the Technical Support and Start Up Projects UOB

Change in the name of the Technical Support and Start Up Projects UOB based in the Technical-Scientific Area

222 of 03/09 10/09/2021

Contractual agreement

Contractual agreement with Cantina Sociale Corbera


Note 7265 dated 8/19/21

221 of 02/09 07/09/2021

Assignment of the task to the Delisa company

Assignment for the activation of the "Separate Management" module and assumption of spending commitment

1,220.00 VAT included

DDG n. 137 of 06/07/2021 and DDG n. 218 of 09/01/2021

220 of 02/09 07/09/2021

VAT Payment Ist. Split Payment August 2021

Commitment and settlement of sums for the payment of Ist. VAT Split Payment relating to payable invoices August 2021


Monthly VAT summary statement Split Payment Institute August 2021

219 of 02/09


Commercial VAT payment August 2021

Commitment and settlement of amounts for commercial VAT payment August 2021


Monthly summary comm. VAT August 2021

218 of 01/09 02/09/2021

Adoption of the "separate accounting" regime and preparation of a restricted bank sub-account at the Cashier Banking Institute

Activation of "separate accounting" through IT procedures


Law 12/12/2016 n. 238 art. 64 paragraph 5 and 6; DG VICO1 prot. No. 313197 of 07/08/2021, DM 9027109 of 07/28/2020 and DG VICO1 prot. n. 3376 of 03/7/2021 with which Irvo was designated Public Control Authority for PDO and PGI wines, for EVOO PGI Sicilia and for EVOO PDO Valdemone respectively

217 of 01/09 01/09/2021

Repayment of sums to the Crapanzano Maurizio company


208,91 Refund request
216 of 01/08 01/09/2021

Payment of the 2020 balance and the 1st 2021 IRES advance payment

Commitment and payment of sums in favor of the Revenue Agency of the 2020 IRES balance and the 1st 2021 IRES advance

7.788,43 F24
215 of 08/30 01/09/2021

INPS contribution regularizations

INPS contribution regularizations for the period March 2019 and November 2019


214 of 08/30 01/09/2021

Personal skills for the month of August 2021

Salaries August 2021


213 of 08/30 01/09/2021

-Fermentis-Lesaffre royalties assessment

assessment of the sum of €750.06 deriving from industrial property rights of the NDA21- wine yeast strain

Opinion 17/2005 of the Legislative and Legal Office; prot. IRVO 7165 of 11/8/2021-
212 of 08/30 01/09/2021 -collaboration with BIOAGRO company - carrying out checks on the fermentation performance of Cz3 wine yeast none DDG 95 of 28/6/2018; prot. IRVO 7302 of 24/8/2021-
211 of 08/30 01/09/2021

cancellation of DDG 201 of 2/8/2021 and assessment of BIOAGRO royalties

assessment of the sum of €1,417.67 deriving from industrial property rights of oenological yeasts DDG 97 and 98 of 28/6/2018; DDG 201 of 2/8/2021
210 of 08/30 30/08/2021

expense plan in favor of the FD Giacomo Manzo -

Advance inspection missions 690,00
209 of 24/08 24/08/2021 -approval of operational agreement with the UNIPA Agricultural Department- - study of the oenological use of non-Saccharomyces yeasts isolated in Sicily - none -SAAF Department Framework Agreement -IRVO of 25/9/2017 - IRVO Board of Directors resolution n.10 of 1/8/2017-
208 of 09/08 12/08/2021 Spending commitment Assignment from the Emmepi Marsala company 305,02 -Note assignment Prot. n.7090/2021-
207 of 06/08 12/08/2021 Spending commitment Renewal of car insurance policies 3.187,00 Assignment note Prot. n. 7085/2021
206 of 06/08 13/08/2021 -Inst. VAT Payment Split Payment July 2021- -Commitment and settlement of sums for the payment of VAT for the Institute Split Payment relating to payable invoices July 2021- 6.697,66 -Monthly summary statement VAT Institute Split Payment July 2021 –
205 of 06/08 13/08/2021 -Commercial VAT payment July 2021- -Commitment and settlement of sums for commercial VAT payment July 2021- 22.503,10 -Monthly summary statement of commercial VAT July 2021 –
204 of 04/08 10/08/2021 -imp. Expense for assigning inspection visits to external professional winemakers - 21.730,36
203 of 02/08 03/08/2021 -Payment of IRAP balance 2020 and 1st deposit 2021- - Commitment and settlement of sums for the payment of the balance of IRAP 2020 and the 1st IRAP 2021 advance - 4.630,85 -Note from the tax consultant Dr. Pappalardo dated 07/30/2021 prot. IRVO n. 6932/2021 with which it transmits the IRAP form forwarded to the Revenue Agency and with which it communicates the amount to be paid. –
202 of 02/08 03/08/2021 Spending commitment -Integration of adaptation of electrical systems at IRVO Palermo headquarters- 1.059,88 -Note assignment Prot. n.6981/2021-
201 of 02/08 03/08/2021 Verification of sums -Royalties deriving from the marketing of oenological yeasts by the BIOAGRO company— —DDG IRVO 97 of 28/6/2018; DDG IRVO 98 of 28/6/2018; prot. note IRVO 6794 of 7/28/2021—
200 of 02/08 03/08/2021 Spending commitment - supply of surgical masks – 1.098,00 -Mepa race n. Negotiation 1787166-
199 of 02/08 03/08/2021 Spending commitment - Closure of IRVO Milazzo headquarters 2021 - 5.701,28 -Note assignment Prot. n.5981 /2021-
198 of 02/08 04/08/2021

Appointment of Lawyer Maria Beatrice Miceli

Irvo/Banca Sistema Spa dispute - assignment of Business Service Srl credits - appearance before CGA


Appeal before the CGA dated 15.7.2021 – Note from Lawyer Miceli dated 15.7.2021 – Note IRVO n. 6706 of 07.26.2021 – Lawyer Miceli's note dated 07.30.2021

197 of 02/08 04/08/2021

Appointment of Lawyer Maria Beatrice Miceli

Irvo/Banca Sistema Spa dispute - assignment of GranVia Srl credits - appearance before CGA


Appeal before the CGA dated 15.7.2021 – Note from Lawyer Miceli dated 15.7.2021 – Note IRVO n. 6706 of 07.26.2021 – Lawyer Miceli's note dated 07.30.2021

196 of 02/08 04/08/2021

Appointment of Lawyer Maria Beatrice Miceli

Irvo/Banca Sistema Spa dispute – assignment of Business Service SRL credits – appearance before CGA

5.667,61 - Appeal before the CGA dated 15.7.2021 – Note from Lawyer Miceli dated 15.7.2021 – Note IRVO n. 6706 of 07.26.2021 – Lawyer Miceli's note of 07.30.2021-
195 of 29/97 03/08/2021

- reimbursement of expenses incurred by the notary Palermo Filippo -

- reimbursement of expenses incurred by the notary Palermo Filippo for archive fee, registration tax, stamp duty for the deed of incorporation of a Temporary Association of Purpose, repertoire no. 19456- 2.628,65
194 of 29/97 03/08/2021

-costs relating to the first ACCREDIA visit on 13 and 14 May-

- costs relating to the first ACCREDIA visit for IRVO wine CB accreditation on 13 and 14 May 2021 - 6.720,02 -IRVO accreditation application dated 11/30/2020-
193 of 07/27 29/07/2021 -Commitment and settlement of institutional activity missions- 62,90
192 of 07/27 29/07/2021 -Commitment and liquidation of oil odcc missions- 2.272,27
191 of 07/27 29/07/2021

-Commitment and settlement of wine odcc missions –

190 of 07/27 03/08/2021

Spending commitment

- Cleaning of peripheral offices – 500,00 -Note assignment Prot. n. 6751 /2021-
189 of 26/07 03/08/2021

Spending commitment

- supply of fire extinguishers to Rodì Milici headquarters 2021 -


-Note assignment Prot. n.6800 /2021-

188 of 26/07 03/08/2021

Spending commitment

-repair of shutters Palermo-


-Note assignment Prot. n.6799 /2021-

187 of 26/07 03/08/2021

expense plan in favor of the FD Giacomo Manzo -

Advance inspection missions 1335,00
186 of 26/07 27/07/2021 -Commitment and liquidation of the odcc wine mission, winemaker Giacomo Manzo- 824,24
185 of 26/07 27/07/2021 -Assignment of the supply of electronic meal vouchers.- -Assignment of supply of electronic meal vouchers to EDENRED ITALIA SRL- 9.626,76
184 of 26/07 27/07/2021 -Approval of agreement between Irvo and ASP of Messina for employee health surveillance.- -Agreement between Irvo and ASP of Messina for health surveillance of employees of the Rodi Milici office.- 300,00

183 of 26/07


-Personal skills for the month of July 2021-

-Salaries July 2021-


182 of 22/07 27/07/2021 -imp. Expenditure in favor of the company CLS Informatica srl- -extension of the OdCC wine portal management contract until 31/12/2021- 20.042,86
181 of 22/07 27/07/2021 - Decree commitment to subscribe to the insurance policy for the activities of the IRVO Wine Certification Body - - Assignment for insurance policy activity of the IRVO Certification Body in favor of FIVEBROKER srl - Melzo (MI) - 16.000,00 -prot. assignment note IRVO n. 6802 of 07/28/2021-
180 of 20/07 27/07/2021 -Approval List of suitable Auditor Selection- -Approval of list of suitable Auditor selection for inspection visits to Sicilian winemakers claiming DOC/IGT grapes- 0,00 - APPROVAL OF A LIST OF SUITABILITY FOR THE AWARDING OF COLLABORATION ASSIGNMENTS FOR CONTROL ACTIVITIES WITH SICILIAN WINE GROWERS CLAIMING DOC/IGT GRAPES -
179 of 14/07 19/07/2021 spending commitment -Check electrical systems at Marsala locations 2021- 6.174,00 -Note assignment Prot. n. /2021-
178 of 14/07 19/07/2021

Spending commitment

integration of previous decree


-decree n.132 dated 31/05/2021-

177 of 14/07 19/07/2021

Spending commitment

-Revocation Europromos Contract-

-Note. Prot. n. 6423/2021-

176 of 13/07 19/07/2021 Verification of sums - Irvo/Grain Growing Consortium Experimental Station dispute - assessment of sums - 5868,45 -Prospectus dated 13.7.2021-
175 of 13/07 19/07/2021 -Appointment of Lawyer Dario Milana- - Irvo/Banca farmafactoring Spa dispute - appointment of Lawyer Dario Milana - 2.292,25 - Summons dated 16.12.2020 – Irvo note n. 6102 of 7.7.21 – note Lawyer Milana n. 6229 of 9.7.21-
174 of 08/07 08/07/2021

Spending commitment

-purchase office package- 245,08 -Authorization of the director prot 6020 of 05/07/2021-
173 of 08/07 08/07/2021

Spending commitment

-purchase buffer solutions- 350,00 -Authorization of the Director prot 5790 of 06/30/2021-
172 of 08/07 08/07/2021 Spending commitment -purchase of electrodes for distillers – 584,00 -Authorization of the director prot 6020 of 05/07/2021-
171 of 08/07 08/07/2021 -Refund of Dr Barletta sums- -Refund of sums advanced by Dr Barletta- 422,45 -Cartridge Center invoices, receipt and SpeeD Srl invoice-
170 of 08/07 08/07/2021 -Assessment of sums- - Irvo/Panepinto dispute - assessment of sums - 1.750,94 -Prospectus dated 7 July 2021-
169 of 07/07 08/07/2021 -Inst. VAT Payment Split Payment June 2021- -Commitment and settlement of sums for the payment of VAT for the Institute Split Payment relating to payable invoices June 2021- 3.899,68 -Monthly summary statement VAT Institute Split Payment June 2021 –
168 of 07/07 08/07/2021

-Commercial VAT payment June 2021-

-Commitment and settlement of sums for commercial VAT payment June 2021-


-Monthly summary statement of commercial VAT June 2021 -

167 of 07/07 13/07/2021

Spending commitment

–Correction of sanitation extension for all Irvo locations July/December 2021-


Prot. assignment note 6099/2021

166 of 05/07 05/07/2021

Auditor Selection Notice Approval

Approval of Auditor selection notice for inspection visits to Sicilian winemakers claiming DOC/IGT grapes



165 of 06/30 05/07/2021 Spending commitment

Sanitization extension for all IRVO locations July/December 2021


164 of 06/30 05/07/2021 spending commitment

Tree pruning and cleaning of the garden below Marsala headquarters


Assignment note Prot. n. 4770/2021

163 of 25/06 29/07/2021 Personal skills for the month of June Salaries June 2021 298.058,57

162 of 25/06 30/07/2021 -imp. Expenditure in favor of the Bellotti srl company (VAT number 06005060824) - -purchase of 2 dataloggers for temperature control of wine storage rooms in DO- 364,65
161 of 25/06 30/06/2021 -imp. Expenditure in favor of the company Testo SpA (VAT no. 10498780153) - -purchase of 2 dataloggers for temperature control of wine storage rooms in DO- 494,10

160 of 25/06 30/06/2021 Spending commitment purchase of glass washer 294,00

159 of 25/06 28/06/2021 Spending commitment Replacing the autoclave in the G. Dalmasso winery water system 1,000.00 + VAT

Prot. quote 5375/2021

158 of 24/06 24/06/2021 spending commitment suspension of ENEL supply 394,94

prot. note n. 5512 /2021

157 of 23/06 23/06/2021 FORD 201 clearance FORD Clearance 2019 129.481,93
156 of 22/06 28/06/2021

assignment as tax/accounting consultant to the organisation

– assignment of the role from 22 June to 31 December 2021 to Dr. Fanino Pappalardo and assumption of spending commitment equal to the requested fee – -7,440.00 plus VAT and charges- – note Ass.Reg.Agricoltura n. 9820 of 02/22/2021 which authorizes the appointment of a tax/accounting consultant; prot. note IRVO 5333 dated 06/18/21 with which Dr. Pappalardo sends the economic offer with the greatest reduction compared to the amount expected at the starting auction -
155 of 17/06 22/06/2021 Redetermination of supplementary pension -Annual redetermination of Mrs. Di Bella's supplementary pension - 6.418,67
154 of 17/06 21/06/2021 Spending commitment Balance of drinking water fee for Cantina G. Dalmasso 3.000,00 note 13520/2013
153 of 17/06 23/06/2021 -Commitment and settlement of institutional activities missions- 194,85
152 of 17/06 23/06/2021 -Commitment and liquidation of oil odcc missions- 4.192,19
151 of 17/06 23/06/2021 -Commitment and liquidation of wine odcc missions- 17.990,80
150 of 16/06 17/06/2021 -Royalties assessment Microbiology Unit- -assessment of microbiological research proceeds from the NONSACWINE project- -art 65 Industrial Property Code; IRVO note prot. 5837 of 2.7.2019-
149 of 16/06 18/006/2021 Verification of sums -Ascertain the sum of €. 182,554.98 as a regional contribution for the contribution to the payment of emoluments to be paid to EX EAS staff financial year 2021- no -Regional Stability Law n. 10 of 04/15/2021 Expenditure Cap. n. 147325 of the Budget of the Sicilian Region financial year 2021-
148 of 16/06 16/06/2021 –Revocation of DDG n. 85 of 04/09/2021 and appointment of tax consultant and accountant - –Cancel the selection notice for the role of tax consultant through a public tender procedure announced by DDGn. 85 and assign the role of tax and accounting consultant through direct assignment until 12/31/21– – auction starting price of €. 12,000.00 plus VAT and charges – –Art. 4 Paragraph 2 of LR n. 9/2021–
147 of 15/06 16/06/2021 –Commercial VAT payment May 2021- - Commitment and settlement of sums for commercial VAT payment May 2021 - 12.653,30 -Commercial VAT monthly summary statement May 2021 —
146 of 15/06 16/06/2021 -Inst. VAT Payment Split Payment May 2021— - Commitment and settlement of sums for the payment of VAT Institute Split Payment relating to payable invoices May 2021— 1.422,81 -Monthly summary statement VAT Institute Split Payment May 2021 —
145 of 15/06 15/06/2021 –Assignment of the Cash Service– -Extension for the assignment of the Cash Service to CREVAL SpA until 12/31/2021—– –Already hired with DDG N. 253 OF 11/23/2020– – Note IRVO 4693 of 05/28/2021 asking CREVAL for its willingness to accept the extension of the management of the cash service until 12/31/2021 and protocol note. IRVO n. 5107 of 06/14/2021 with which CREVAL agrees to continue until 12/31/2021 —-
144 of 11/06 11/06/2021 spending commitment Purchase of reagents 1.917,00 –Authorization of the Director prt 4686 of 05/28/2021—
143 of 10/06 10/06/2021 Personal skills for the month of May 2021 Salaries May 2021 296.142,23
142 of 10/06 11/06/2021 spending commitment Purchase of electronic distillers 18.789,00 –Authorization of the Director prt 4910 dated 06/07/2021–
141 of 10/06 10/06/2021 spending commitment Supply of sanitary hygienic material 1.979,11 MEPA negotiation
140 of 10/06 10/06/2021 spending commitment Late payment 186,50 F24
139 of 08/06 10/06/2021 spending commitment ACCREDIA surveillance visit 6.000,00 Agreement with ACCREDIA dated 06/26/2018
138 of 07/06 10/06/2021 TFR advance TFR advance Mrs. Castello 4.444,10
137 of 07/06 09/06/2021 -Renewal of Delisa Group appointment and assumption of spending commitment- -Renewal of the accounting software assistance and maintenance contract and transition to the new Civilia Next IT system and assignment for training activities for IRVO staff- €. 5,490.00 including VAT on the cap. 73 and €1,200.00 VAT exempt on chapter 23 financial year 2021- -Note from Delisa Group prot. IRVO 4558 of 05/26/2021 containing contract renewal proposal. Prot. note IRVO n. 4634 of 05/27/2021 of the Director of the Accounting and Budget Unit with which the authorization to proceed with the renewal of the assignment is requested from the Director General of IRVO and on which the requested authorization is affixed -
136 of 07/06 09/06/2021 Spending commitment -Municipal Taxes 2021- 14.300,00
135 of 07/06 09/06/2021 Spending commitment -RACK cabinet disassembly- 488,00 -Assignment note no. Prot. 4918-2021-
134 of 07/06 09/06/2021 -Assessment and sum commitment- - assessment on the cap. n. 103 of the sum of €. 11,063.18 deposited on the IRVO account n.428/9106907 and commitment of the same sum on the capital. 172 financial year 2021- NO
133 of 05/31 01/06/2021 Disengagement of sums - release the sum of €. 6,000.00 from the cap. 72 final ex. 2021 hired with DDG n. 71 of 04/17/2020 – -Note no. 2094 of 03/3/2021 with which Dr. Scalia, IRVO tax consultant until 04/30/2021, resigns for personal reasons -
132 of 05/31 04/06/2021 Spending commitment purchase of scales and stirrers 849,73 -authorizations of the director prot n°3636 and 3702 of 04/28/2021-
131 of 05/31 04/06/2021 Spending commitment purchase of material 132,00 -authorization of the director prot n°4168 of 13/05/2021-
130 of 28/05 03/06/2021 Spending commitment -approval of the two-year purchasing program for supplies and services 2021/2022- Attachments II sheet TO B C
129 of 25/05 25/05/2021 -Payment of first TFR installment- -Payment of first severance pay Mr. V. Meccio- 50.000,00
128 of 25/05 25/05/2021

-Dr. A Turco's heirs' dues-

-Dr. A Turco's heirs' dues-

127 of 25/05 27/05/2021

spending commitment

glassware purchase


–authorization of the director prot n°3698 of 04/28/2021-

126 of 25/05 27/05/2021

spending commitment

-purchase of reagents-


-authorization of the director prot n°4170 of 13/05/2021-

125 of 24/05 27/05/2021

spending commitment

-Fire and theft insurance policy-


-policy no. 00144020200192-

124 of 24/05 25/05/2021

Spending commitment

-Replacement of electrical and electro-hydraulic system components of the microvinification cellar–

1,530.00 + VAT

-Prot. estimate 4333-2021-

123 of 05/21 21/05/2021

Irvo and c.ti/Ancona dispute - assessment of sums

Verification of pro-quota tax recovery sums in the register

Accounting Prospectus dated 12.5.2021

122 of 21/05 21/05/2021

Remunerations 2021 Extraordinary Board of Auditors

Assumption of the corresponding spending commitment


Note Economic Department n. 36253 of 28.4.2021

121 of 21/05 21/05/2021

2021 compensation for members of the Board of Directors

Assumption of the corresponding spending commitment


Note Economic Department n. 36253 of 28.4.2021

120 of 20/05 20/05/2021

-Approval of Individual Work Contract-

-Approval of Individual Employment Contract Manager of Wine Control and Certification Body Dr. GMR Miciletta-

119 of 20/05 20/05/2021 Spending commitment -acquisition of consumables- 753,95 -authorization of the director prot n°3699 of 04/28/2021-
118 of 20/05 20/05/2021

Spending commitment

Purchase of quartz cuvettes


-authorization of the director prot n°3700 of 04/28/2021-

117 of 14/05 18/05/2021


appoints members


Board of Directors resolution no. 10/2021

116 of 12/05 18/05/2021

Spending commitment

Urgent works Marsala office


assignment note no. 4118/2021

D. Comm.Acta n.1 of 14/05 18/05/2021

-Maisano-Caldarone/Irvo controversy + 2-

- assignment of the role of Lawyer Tiziana Milana - appearance in court before the TAR Sicily - Palermo -


-Decr. Ass. n. 25/2021 – TAR Sicily appeal – Palermo – dated 3.5.2021 —

115 of 12/05 13/05/2021

-Cancellation of dept. from the role of the Irvo–

–Removal from the role of Irvo Dr. A. Turco-

114 of 12/05 13/05/2021 –Revocation of DDG n. 77 of 04/1/2021- -disengagement of the sum of €. 207.40 taken on the cap. of expenditure 73 with commitment no. 133 of 04/1/2021– -Prot. note IRVO N. 3917 OF 5/05/2021 sent by Eremind Srl–
113 of 12/05 13/05/2021 -Inst. VAT Payment Split Payment April 2021- -Settlement of sums for the payment of VAT Institute Split Payment relating to payable invoices April 2021- 3.647,18 -monthly summary statement April 2021-
112 of 12/05 13/05/2021

-Commercial VAT payment April 2021–

-Settlement of amounts for commercial VAT payment April 2021-


-monthly summary statement April 2021-

111 of 11/05 13/05/2021

Spending commitment

-Refrigeration unit maintenance contract–

1,800.00 + VAT

-Prot. estimate 3964-2021–

110 of 06/05 13/05/2021

-Payment of Court of Auditors court costs Dr Cartabellotta –

–Payment in favor of Dr Dario Cartabellotta of the expenses paid by the Court of Auditors for the first and second level of judgement–


-Note Dr Cartabellotta dated 9 April 2021-

109 of 04/05 10/05/2021

sum assessment

- assessment of the sum of €. 4,718,826.00 on the Entry Cap. E000031 “annual contribution to supplement the budget for the implementation of institutional tasks and other interventions delegated by law, of the Institution's budget forecast – e.g. financial 2021”—


-Regional Stability Law n. 10 of 04/15/2021 expenditure chapter no. 147306 of the Budget of the Sicilian Region financial year 2021—-

108 of 03/05 03/05/2021

Personal skills for the month of April 2021

Salaries April 2021

107 of 04/29 03/05/2021

- Regularization of INPS contributions for Irvo employees -

- Regularization of INPS contributions for Irvo employees of the P. Marchese and GL Raccuglia departments -

106 of 04/29 29/04/2021

-Assignment of Managerial Appointment-

- Position of Manager of the Wine Control and Certification Body Unit -

105 of 04/28 03/05/2021

Switchboard station

Station transfer

104 of 04/28 28/04/2021

Spending commitment

–Service charter–

Service charter

103 of 28/04 28/04/2021

Spending commitment

–Rent 5th floor 2021–

102 of 04/28 28/04/2021

Spending commitment

–Adaptation of Electrical Systems–

101 of 04/28 28/04/2021

Spending commitment

-IRVO Car Tax 2021–

100 of 04/28 28/04/2021

Spending commitment

-Car Inspection 2021 IRVO–

99 of 04/28 28/04/2021

spending commitment

–Condominium locations quotas 2021 IRVO–

98 of 04/27 27/04/2021

-Assessment of Carmela Di Caro Srl sums–

-Acceptance of the amount €500.00 – debt from Carmela Di Caro Srl–

-see attachments to the DDG–

97 of 26/04 26/04/2021

Spending commitment

Postage refill

96 of 22/04 26/04/2021

-Execution of Court of Auditors ruling no. 50/2021–

-Executive activity connected to the sentence of the Jurisdictional Appellate Section of the Court of Auditors n. 50/2021-

-Court of Auditors ruling n. 50/2021–

95 of 22/04 23/04/2021

–spending commitment-

–urgent work on wells c/o lab. central-


-Note assignment Prot. n. 3543-

94 of 22/04 23/04/2021

-spending commitment-

–Extraordinary cleanliness of the tasting room —


-Note assignment Prot. n. 3541-

93 of 21/04 21/04/2021

-appointment of the examining commission -

- assignment of fiscal and accounting consultancy for the year 2021-2022 -

– minutes of the board of auditors n. 3/2021-

92 of 21/04


commitment sums

Gesper program update


DDG appointed Corallo company

91 of 20/04 20/04/2021

spending commitment

-Assignment to verify cadastral data installation and stamping procedure—


assignment note

90 of 16/04 19/04/2021

-Commitment and settlement of institutional activities missions–

-Commitment and settlement of institutional activities missions–


-Commitment and settlement of institutional activities missions–

89 of 16/04 19/04/2021

–Commitment and liquidation of oil odcc missions—

- Commitment and liquidation of oil odcc missions -


- Commitment and liquidation of oil odcc missions -

88 of 16/04 19/04/2021

-Commitment and settlement of wine odcc missions—

-Commitment and settlement of wine odcc missions–


-Commitment and settlement of wine odcc missions—

87 of 15/04 19/04/2021

– Decree commitment to auditor certificate course for IRVO Collaborating Inspectors-

–Commitment in favor of RINA for the creation of a certified Auditor course to be provided to the IRVO Collaborating Inspectors of the Regional Agriculture Department and ESA–


86 of 12/04 15/04/2021

-IRVO/Expo 2015 dispute in liquidation—

-Opposition to injunctive decree – Appointment of lawyer Gabriella Cadelo—


-Injunctive decree of the Court of Milan n. 3948 of 4.3.21 – IRVO note n. 3026 of 7.4.21 – Lawyer Cadelo's note of 8.4.21 –

85 of 09/04 12/04/2021

-Public selection notice for the awarding of an external professional assignment for tax and accounting consultancy activities -

Call for selection through a public procedure for the assignment of the role of tax and accounting consultant -

-Note prot.n.9280 of 02/22/21 from the Regional Agriculture Department authorizing the appointment of a tax consultant. –

84 of 09/04 12/04/2021

—Inst. VAT Payment Split Payment March 2021

—Settlement of sums for the payment of VAT Institute Split Payment relating to payable invoices March 2021–


–monthly summary statement March 2021–

83 of 09/04 12/04/2021

–Commercial VAT payment March 2021—-

Settlement of amounts for commercial VAT payment March 2021–


monthly summary statement March 2021attachment 2

82 of 07/04 16/04/2021

- IRVO and c.ti/Ancona dispute - assessment of pro-rata sums tax register Court of Appeal sentence - Palermo - n. 1345/09-

–Assessment of pro-rata sums (passive solidarity)-


- Accounting Unit statements of 19.3.2021 and 1 April 2021

81 of 01/04 07/04/2021

Spending commitment

–Gas Supply IRVO Locations 2021—–

80 of 01/04 07/04/2021

—spending commitment

-Water supply to IRVO locations 2021–

79 of 01/04 07/04/2021

- Decree commitment to reimbursement of missions for IRVO Inspector Collaborators -

–Reimbursement for missions for IRVO Collaborating Inspectors of the Agriculture Department and ESA involved in wine sampling suitable for DO-

78 of 01/04 07/04/2021

Decree commitment to reimbursement of IRVO Collaborating Inspectors missions

–Reimbursement for missions for IRVO Collaborating Inspectors of the Agriculture Department and ESA involved in inspection visits to IGP Sicily olive growers—-

77 of 01/04 02/04/2021

Assignment of assignment to Eremind Srl for the supply of SPID and CIE which allows access to the institution's services active on the PmPay platform

spending commitment against an annual fee

170.00 + VAT

prot. note IRVO no. 2615 of 03/22/2021 with which PmPay assistance communicates the obligation for new users to provide themselves with SPID and CIE

76 of 31/03 31/03/2021 Payment of sums for TFS payment

Payment of sums for TFS to Ex Eas employees

75 of 23/03 24/03/2021 -Banca Sistema Spa/Irvo dispute - assignment of PRC Repubbliche Srl credits - appointment of Lawyer Miceli to appear in appeal proceedings -

-Appointment of representation and defense for the appearance of an appeal brought by Banca Sistema Spa before the Court of Appeal of Palermo—

7.247,90 Notice of appeal dated 7.11.2020 – Irvo note n. 1243 of 02.02.2021 – Lawyer Miceli's note dated 03.18.21-
74 of 23/03 24/03/2021 Banca Sistema Spa/Irvo dispute - assignment of GranVia Srl credits - appointment of Lawyer Miceli to appear in appeal proceedings -

Assignment of representation and defense duties for the appearance of an appeal brought by Banca Sistema Spa before the Court of Appeal of Palermo -

7.247,90 - Notice of appeal dated 7.11.2020 – Irvo note n. 1243 of 2.2.2021 – Lawyer Miceli's note of 18.3.21—
73 of 18/03 19/03/2021 Spending commitment

Supply of business cards

146,40 Assignment note
72 of 18/03 19/03/2021 spending commitment

Zywall 500 Firewall Supply

1.060,18 Assignment note
71 of 18/03 19/03/2021 spending commitment

Monitoring and rodent control service

585.00 + VAT Prot. quote 2529-2021
70 of 18/03 22/03/2021

Personal skills for the month of March 2021

Salaries for March 2021

69 of 17/03 19/03/2021

Spending commitment and settlement

Shipping fees

68 of 17/03 19/03/2021

Commitment and settlement of institutional activity missions

Missions Institutional activities

67 of 17/03 19/03/2021

Commitment and settlement of oil odcc missions

Odcc Oil Missions

66 of 17/03 19/03/2021

Commitments and settlement of wine odcc missions

Odcc Wine Missions

65 of 17/03 19/03/2021

Commitment of sums

Supply of Payroll Procedure Software for Maggioli SPA

15.600,00 Supply years 2021-2022-2023
64 of 17/03 19/03/2021

Commitment decree for the graphic project on the cover of the brochure celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Institute

Assignment for the graphic design of the cover of the brochure celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Institute in favor of the company CONSOLE DESIGN Sas

610,00 -prot. assignment note IRVO no. 2542 of 03/18/2021

63 of 17/03


spending commitment

Glass replacement

1.342,00 -Prot. assignment note n. 2531/2021-

62 of 17/03


spending commitment

Replacing lamps

1.634,80 -Prot. assignment note n. 2532/2021-
61 of 17/03 19/03/2021

spending commitment

Scanner supply

840,21 -Prot. assignment note n. 2531/2021
60 of 17/03 19/03/2021 spending commitment

Purchase Enzyme Kits

1.719,00 Director Authorization
59 of 17/03 17/03/2021 Refund of Dr. Barletta sums

Refund of advance payments

58 of 17/03 17/03/2021 Lex Italia internet magazine subscription

Subscription renewal for 2021

696.80 VAT included Lex Italia magazine subscription conditions table for year 2021
57 of 16/03 17/03/2021 spending commitment


6.333,10 -Mepa direct negotiation n.1624858-2021
56 of 15/03 17/03/2021 -Commercial VAT payment February 2021-

-Settlement of amounts for commercial VAT payment February 2021–


- monthly summary statement and note n. 2377 of 12-03-2021 Dr. Scalia's consultancy firm with attachment F24.

Attachment 1

Attachment 2

Attachment 3

55 of 15/03 17/03/2021 -Inst. VAT Payment Split Payment February 2021-

- Settlement of sums for the payment of VAT Institute Split Payment relating to payable invoices February 2021-


- monthly summary statement and note n. 2377 of 12-03-2021 Dr. Scalia's consultancy firm with attachment F24. –

Attachment 1

Attachment 2

54 of 11/03 16/03/2021 spending commitment

equipment maintenance

9.750,00 Director authorization
53 of 11/03 17/03/2021 spending commitment

AGEA 2021

940.000,00 AGEA installment payment
52 of 11/03 17/03/2021 spending commitment

Postal franking machine rental

1.581,12 Assignment
51 of 11/03 17/03/2021 spending commitment

Canpone Rai 2021

50 of 11/03 17/03/2021 spending commitment

- Supply of masks —

1.260,00 -Mepa direct negotiation n.1616905-2021-
49 of 11/03 17/03/2021 spending commitment

-Commitment for TIM all IRVO locations 2021

48 of 11/03 17/03/2021 spending commitment

-Commitment for Enel all IRVO 2021 locations—

47 of 11/03 11/03/2021 Annual Generali Italia Spa Policy Award

Premium 2020 Generali Italia SPA policy dept. Milazzo office – Integration

46 of 11/03 15/03/2021 spending commitment

Assignment for the adaptation of the electrical systems of the Rodi Milici premises

10.980,00 assignment note
45 of 10/03 11/03/2021 Spending commitment -Maintenance of decanting pump and filler— 1,800.00+VAT Estimate 2121/2021
44 of 10/03 10/03/2021 Dispute IRVO and c.ti/Ancona Commitment of sums writ of injunction dated 15/01/2021 Payment of sums referred to in the writ of precept dated 15/01/2021 of the lawyer. Signorello 684.979,12
43 of 26/02 01/03/2021 Extension of managerial position -Extension of appointment Dr. G. Miciletta–
42 of 25/02 25/02/2021 Spending commitment advance missions advance missions inspection visits packing. Outside the region
41 of 23/02 25/02/2021 spending commitment -Purchasing reagents– 234,30 –Regent Director Authorization–
40 of 23/02 25/02/2021 spending commitment -Purchase antifoam— 363,00 -Regent Director Authorization–
39 of 23/02 25/02/2021 spending commitment -Purchase of hydroalcoholic solutions– 372,00 –Regent Director Authorization–
38 of 19/02 22/02/2021 I commit Reimbursement of employee expenses 191,21 Tax documents
37 of 17/02 25/02/2021 -Personal skills for the month of February 2021– -Salaries February 2021– 288.515,51
36 of 17/02 25/02/2021 Magazine subscription - magazine subscription “Meininger's Wine business International” – 175,00 Spending commitment 61 chap. 70
35 of 16/02 17/02/2021 I commit -Cleaning for all IRVOS offices: Dussmann and Euro&Promos 2021 companies— 30.153,70 CUC Agreement 2019/2021
34 of 15/02 17/02/2021 -imp. Expenditure in favor of the Zerilli company of Marsala – 495,00 -plastic bags for wine sampling –
33 of 15/02 17/02/2021 –imp. Expenditure in favor of the Leghorngroup company of Livorno - 780,0 -purchase of tamper-proof sealing ties-
32 of 15/02 17/02/2021 Spending commitment Purchase of reagents 1.959,28 Director authorization
31 of 15/02 17/02/2021 Spending commitment Purchase of magnetic stirrers 474,00 Director authorization
30 of 11/02 16/02/2021 Recognized absences Absences due to illness for employees of the IRVO sector
29 of 11/02 16/02/2021 Recognized absences Absences for parental leave for IRVO sector employees
28 of 11/02 16/02/2021 Recognized absences Absences due to illness of IRVO management employees
27 of 11/02 16/02/2021 Recognized absences Absences for parental leave of IRVO management employees
26 of 11/02 16/02/2021 Recognized absences Extraordinary leave absences for IRVO employees
25 of 11/02 16/02/2021 Assignment -garbage collection from IRVO Palermo headquarters— 3.952,00

Assignment note no. prot. 1619 of 02/15/2021

24 of 11/02 16/02/2021 —Inst. VAT Payment Split Payment January 2021–

–Settlement of sums for the payment of VAT Institute Split Payment relating to payable invoices January 2021—-

2.445,78 monthly summary statement and note n. 1514 dated 10-02-2021 Consulting firm of Dr. Scalia with attachment F24.—-
23 of 11/02 16/02/2021 — Commercial VAT payment January 2021–

Liquidation of amounts for commercial VAT payment in January 2021

34.453,27 monthly summary statement and note n. 1514 dated 10-02-2021 Consulting firm of Dr. Scalia with attachment F24.–
22 of 10/02 16/02/2021 Spending commitment Ring. Samer test 800,00 Authorization Director Regent
21 of 10/02 16/02/2021 spending commitment ACCREDIA annual fee 1.300,00 ACCREDIA agreement
20 of 10/02 10/02/2021 Spending commitment -Purchasing bottles and corks- 2,009.09 + VAT –Prot. quote 1036-2021 and 1277/2021–
19 of 05/02 06/02/2021 - Announcement of new tender for the assignment of the management of the Cash Service approved with DDG n.253 of 11/26/20- -Authorization to proceed with sending an RDO through the MEPA to the banking institutions operating in Palermo- -€. 3,300.00 for 2021; €. 3,300.00 for the 2nd; €. 3,300.00 for 2023 for 2021 the commitment was made with DDG n. 253 of 11/26/2020- - note dated 3/02/21 prot. 1264 with which authorization is requested to proceed with sending an RDO to the Regent General Director and on which said authorization is affixed -
18 of 04/02 05/02/2021 -Imu Noto- F24 8.846,86 Common notice KNOWN
17 of 04/02 05/02/2021 -Renewal of the Civilia assistance contract for the Siope Plus active electronic invoicing software for the year 2021- -Renewal of assignment to DELISA GROUP for assistance and maintenance of the active electronic invoicing software and Siope Plus- 2,350.00 + VAT -Note dated 01/19/21 from Delisa prot. IRVO n. 846 of 01/21/21 containing contract outline and related offer. Note prot.n. 1203 of 2/02/21 with which the authorization to renew the Agreement with the same company supplier of the Civilia software is requested and on which the authorization to proceed is affixed.-
16 of 04/02 05/02/2021 –Annual Generali Italia Spa Policy Premium- –Premium 2020 policy Generali Italia Spa dept. Milazzo headquarters- 7.180,92
15 of 04/02 05/02/2021 I commit -Maintenance of CADI fire extinguishers- 393,57 -Assignment note no. 1376 of 02/08/2021-
14 of 04/02 05/02/2021 Spending commitment -Experimental vineyard cultivation year 2021- 1,229.510 + VAT -2006 Convention-
13 of 04/02 05/02/2021 Spending commitment -Securing external refrigeration units- 300.00 + VAT -Prot. estimate 1037/2021-
12 of 04/02 05/02/2021 Spending commitment -Purchasing oenological material- 4,010.00 + VAT -Prot. estimate 8783-2020-
11 of 02/02 04/02/2021 -Spending commitment– -Cleaning of drains on experimental cellar roofs- 2,450.00 + VAT -Prot. estimate 878-2020-
10 of 02/02 04/02/2021 -assignment to Credito Valtellinese for the provision of the Pago Pa service with related commitment of- -activation of Pago Pa collection service at Credito Valtellinese- 3,318.40 VAT incl -note presidency of the council prot. IRVO N. 3065 OF 04/22/2020. IRVO note n. 833 of 01/21/21 sent to Credito Valtellinese and note from Credito Valtellinese prot. IRVO 912 of 01/25/21-
09 of 01/28 03/02/2021 TIM assignment to supply license N1 license for 6 video conferencing users – 12 months 1,123.20 VAT excluded
08 of 01/27 28/01/2021 -I commit- -KASKO Insurance for Employees in Missone 2021- 9.591,98 Policy

07 of 27/01

28/01/2021 Assignment

Sanitization, all locations.


-Mepa direct negotiation n. 1576212–

6 of 26/01

28/01/2021 - commitment and settlement of oil odcc missions of Messrs. Renato Lucchese and Giovanni Speciale-


5 of 26/01

28/01/2021 -Personal skills for the month of January 2021–

-Personal skills for the month of January 2021-


4 of 25/01

26/01/2021 Executive performance compensation 2018

Commitment of sums


Attachment AAnnex BAnnex C

3 of 25/01 28/01/2021

Inail Award 2020/21

Inail Award 2020/21 dep. IRVO

2 of 25/01 28/01/2021

Supply of ANAC XML Generator

Artemedia company

100,00 assignment letter
1 of 15/01 18/01/2021 -INSTITUTIONAL VAT SPLIT PAYMENT DEC- 2020

commitment and settlement of amounts for institutional VAT payment relating to payable invoices December 2020


monthly summary statement and note no. 345 of 01/12/2021 from Dr.'s office. Scalia with attachment F24

Ultime notizie

News 9 January 2025

Public Consultation Update PTPCT IRVO 2025-2027

Public consultation for the purpose of updating the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency (PTPCT) 2025/2027 In order to allow maximum involvement in the preparation of the update of the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency of the Regional Institute of Wine and Oil for the three-year period 2025/2027, all those who are interested are invited - in particular citizens, companies, consumer associations, representative trade unions, other entities operating in the territory representing particular interests - to send observations and/or proposals to the Person in Charge of the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency (RPCT), which will be evaluated when drafting the document.

News 6 May 2024

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News 30 April 2024

Protected: Area Riservata

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