23 May 2019
V Refresher course on extra virgin olive oil quality
The National Olive and Oil Academy is organising, for the first time in Sicily, a refresher course aimed at food technologists, oil millers and marketing entrepreneurs.
The course, minimum 15 maximum 40 participants, has a registration fee of €183.00 including VAT and will take place in Sciacca on 24 and 25 June 2019 at the Sala Blasco of the Municipality. The program is divided into four sessions each lasting four hours; 12 hours will be dedicated to lectures and 4 hours to sensory analysis activities. Speakers are teachers Lanfranco Conte, University of Udine; Sonia Esposto; Maurizio Servili; Agnese Taticchi, University of Perugia.
To participate in the Course it is necessary to register by completing the relevant form in its entirety, which can be downloaded from the site https://www.accademiaolivoeolio.com and send the document in .pdf format to the email: [email protected] Secretariat of the National Olive and Oil Academy, by 7 June 2019.
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News 9 January 2025
Public Consultation Update PTPCT IRVO 2025-2027
Public consultation for the purpose of updating the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency (PTPCT) 2025/2027 In order to allow maximum involvement in the preparation of the update of the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency of the Regional Institute of Wine and Oil for the three-year period 2025/2027, all those who are interested are invited - in particular citizens, companies, consumer associations, representative trade unions, other entities operating in the territory representing particular interests - to send observations and/or proposals to the Person in Charge of the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency (RPCT), which will be evaluated when drafting the document.