
22 May 2012

Wine stocks at IGT Sicilia



The IGT “Sicilia” referred to in the ministerial decree 10/10/1995 and subsequent amendments, is revoked from the entry into force of the production regulations for the DOC “Sicilia”, i.e. from the 2012/2013 harvest campaign.

We therefore inform all companies that, starting from 1 August 2012 (date of entry into force of the DOC “Sicilia” specification) they must communicate to the ICQRF Peripheral Office of Palermo (90146-Viale Regione Siciliana NO n. 7275- Tel .091/7510745-Fax 091/7541610-E-mail [email protected] and for information to the IRVOS Supervisory Body (90166 Via Libertà 66 Palermo, fax 091/307219), any quantities of wine classified as IGT “Sicilia” or capable of becoming IGT “Sicilia” coming from the 2011 and previous harvests, which

These quantities of wine may be marketed until stocks are exhausted provided that the interested companies make this communication (within 180 days from 01/08/2012) to the aforementioned structures authorized for control, as prescribed in the art. 4- (Wine disposal) of the decree recognizing the production specifications of the “Sicilia” DOC.

Inventory declaration form

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