
26 February 2015

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BioMediterranean Cluster, IRVO is among the collaborators

IMG_1651IRVO will be present at the EXPO. The agreement was signed today, Thursday 26 February, which establishes the collaboration of the Regional Institute of Wine and Oil in the creation of the BioMediterranean Cluster. A "showcase" for the Mediterranean and Sicily where cultural heritage and lifestyle are exalted. The agreement took place between the Sole Manager of the Cluster, Dario Cartabellotta, and the extraordinary commissioner of the institution, Antonino Di Giacomo Pepe.

“It is one of the first agreements signed to use the skills and professionalism of the Region with the aim of enhancing the Sicily brand in the Mediterranean”, says Cartabellotta. The quality control on Sicilian wines and oils destined for the BioMediterranean Cluster EXPO2015, as well as the management and animation of the Sicily Wine Bar, will be the activities that IRVO will provide. “A commitment that gratifies us – comments Di Giacomo – and which comes at a delicate moment for the organization which is facing serious economic shortages. This collaboration - he continues - not only gives us a "breath" of positivity, but above all it recognizes IRVO's professional and operational capacity".

The management of the common space of the Biomediterranean Cluster, where 11 countries are grouped (Greece, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Malta, San Marino, Serbia, Albania and Montenegro) represents a unique opportunity for Sicily to enhance the its central position in the context of the Mediterranean Sea countries to show the world its lifestyle, its culture and its values. Focused therefore on the valorisation of the land, the sea, the internationalization of the Sicilian economy, tourism in the macro-perspective of the Expo 2015 theme, the IRVO will provide its collaboration by deploying its own skills. Skills that in 60 years of activity have been the driving force behind the Sicilian wine reality. To guarantee the quality of Sicilian wines and oils, the organization will thus make available its network of Multisite Laboratories accredited by the ACCREDIA National Accreditation Body, the tasting commissions and the sensory analysis panels for the assessment of conformity to legal and disciplinary limits. The Sicily Wine Bar will instead claim to represent Sicily, in short to provide content to the thousand descriptions, information and peculiarities that the island has. The model will be that of a Sicilian wine shop, with display desks designed to give a strong impression on the multiplicity of geological and pedological characteristics of the territory, and where there will be space, through the wines and oils that will act as "guides", for events, presentations, artistic and cultural animations.





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