
12 December 2013

Assembly circular 2013



Companies are reminded that, as required by art. 2 paragraph 2 of the Ministerial Decree 11/11/11, in the case of assembling batches of already certified DOCG or DOC wine (necessarily of the same type and, whether or not belonging to the same vintage) this operation must be communicated to this CB, via the our. control portal, within THREE working days from the date of assembly, attaching the appropriate self-declaration (signed by the person responsible for the assembly process) which you will find to download in the appropriate form of the portal used for the communication of new assemblies.

The IRVO OdCC manager

(Dr. Francesca Salvia)



Ministerial Decree 11 November 2011 concerning the regulation of chemical-physical tests for PDO and PGI wines, organoleptic tests and the activity of tasting commissions for PDO wines



Article 2

(Definition and identification of the batch of wine to be allocated to analytical and organoleptic certification)

 1. A batch of wine means a homogeneous mass of product, intended to be certified with the relevant DOCG, DOC or IGT, coming from a single homogenization process of the mass itself and contained:

 – in a single or more containers, up to a maximum of five; in small containers (barrels with a maximum capacity of 10 hectoliters, demijohns or others) and in bottles, without numerical limits, placed in the same establishment. The same containers must be identified in compliance with the provisions of Chapter III of EC Regulation no. 436/2009 and referred to in article 5 of the Ministerial Decree of 3 July 2003, still in force pursuant to article 16, paragraph 2, of the Ministerial Decree of 23 December 2009.

2. Without prejudice to the limitations connected to the obligation to indicate the production year of the grapes on the label referred to in Article 6, paragraph 10, of the legislative decree and without prejudice to the more restrictive measures established by the specific production specifications, in case of assembling batches already certified for the same DOCG or DOC typology, whether or not belonging to the same vintage, for the coacervate batch, to be considered a new batch as defined in paragraph 1, it must be produced by the holder within 3 working days from the date of assembly, to the specific self-certification control structure, signed by the oenologist referred to in law no. 129/1991 - or another technician authorized to practice the profession, whose professional regulation allows the carrying out of the analytical determinations indicated below - responsible for the assembly process, who certifies the conformity of the assembled batch to the chemical - physical parameters established by the article 26 of EC regulation no. 607/2009 and those provided for by the specific production specifications.


Download Circular and DM 11/11/11

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