
11 October 2021

AGEA CIRCULAR Mandatory declarations of harvest and production of wine and/or must for the 2021/2022 wine campaign

We inform you that it was issued with protocol. 64590 of 09/29/2021 la Agea CircularMandatory declarations of harvest and production of wine and/or must for the 2021/2022 wine campaign, with the relevant instructions for compilation (Attachment 1) , all companies are therefore invited to read it.

The circular follows what was reported in last year's circular.

In fact, as for the last harvest campaign, optional telematic services are available which allow the pre-compilation of the wine and must production declaration starting from the data in the dematerialized loading and unloading register.

The production declaration from the register is optional; the company can choose to continue using the ordinary compilation methods.

If one avails oneself of the faculty of preparing the production declaration starting from the data present in the electronic register, naturally the operations which affect the production and, therefore, the production declaration, must be entered in the register by 30 November, without making use of the faculty of record the operations within 30 days.

The two distinct dates for completing the declaration sections have been confirmed:

by November 15, 2021 the tables relating to the collection must be completed and presented e claim of the grapes (any corrections, if necessary, must be submitted by November 15th itself)
by December 15, 2021 the remaining tables relating to the production of wines and musts (any corrections, if necessary, must be submitted by December 15th itself)


Companies that need to market particular types of DO/IG wines before the date of presentation of the harvest and wine production declaration can make use of the Prior declaration (according to the methods explained on page 8 of the circular) this preventive declaration will then constitute an integral part of the single declaration of harvest and wine production.

The prior declaration must be completed and presented by the tenant (grape producer, private individual or associative organisation);
All companies are reminded that only after having submitted to AGEA the declaration of harvest and/or production of wine and/or must (preventive or definitive) of the 2021/2022 wine campaign is it allowed to insert on the IRVO portal used for checks and subsequently handles batches of PDO and/or PGI products.

Companies are therefore invited, when loading initial stocks, to attach the relevant AGEA declaration (preventive or definitive) to the portal, duly printed and endorsed by the CAA.

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Public Consultation Update PTPCT IRVO 2025-2027

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