
16 May 2013

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Calabrese: “I get into a racing Ferrari”


“I'm a labourer, I work with you”. The new commissioner of IRVOS, the nutritionist Giorgio Calabrese, who officially took office today Thursday 16 May, began with these words during the meeting with the institution's staff. After signing the documents on the settlement (the decree was approved a few days ago by the President of the Sicilian Region Rosario Crocetta) the commissioner met with the IRVOS staff and visited the premises of the institute.

“I am honored by this role – he commented – I know I am getting into a racing Ferrari. This institution is indeed a machine that works very well thanks to its competent team. IRVOS enjoys a good reputation both nationally and internationally and I am happy to now be part of it and to be able to contribute to its growth". This was followed by thanks to the regional councilor for Agricultural and Food Resources Dario Cartabellotta: "His competence, professionalism and humanity has given a lot to this institution and I owe my presence here to him".

Space for internationalisation, collaborations with the health sector and with the Zooprophylactic Institute, promotion programs to "help small producers become big without making the big ones who already are disappear" as Calabrese himself explained, will be the lines leadership of his action program during this assignment at the Regional Institute of Wines and Oils of Sicily. “I hope – he concluded – to be a good referee, one of those who if they were good no one remembers, vice versa if they made some blunders”.

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