
4 November 2012

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Brussels and Warsaw, two events in one week for Sicilian Wines


Brussels and Poland. These are the next stages for the wines of Sicily: the strategy of the internationalization of wine continues along the path of the great European cities which, under the direction of the Regional Institute of Wines and Oils of Sicily, aims to support and improve exports of the island's companies on international markets. The appointments are from 19 to 22 October at the 14th edition of Megavino, at Palais 3 de Bruxelles Expo.

Italy will be, for the first time, the second most represented nation with Sicily presenting the largest number of companies in the Bel Paese delegation. Twenty-two wineries. In the same week, an important mission to promote the wines and territories of the island will be held in Warsaw, in the largest eastern country of the European Union. With imports of Italian wine having doubled in the last five years, Poland confirms itself as one of the emerging markets of reference and among the most ready to embrace the combination of quality and territory.

“Megavino – underlines Dario Cartabellotta, manager of the Department of Infrastructural Interventions of the Regional Department of Agricultural and Food Resources – represents an important showcase for all those who intend to develop their share of exports on the Northern European market, an area with very high potential in terms of consumption especially for Made in Italy products of the highest quality. The European market continues to be the main commercial outlet for our wines, with important and constantly growing percentages. The objective is therefore to improve the performance of individual companies in order to increase the value of our exports with an average price per bottle that fully reflects the high quality achieved. We produce less and better, now we have to work on the positioning of our wines which must find the right market price". In the last fifteen years, Sicily wine has become a highly prestigious brand which on the international scene evokes territories with a great wine-growing vocation, wonderful landscapes steeped in history and culture. Through the over one hundred labels for tasting proposed by the Sicilian companies participating in Megavino, you will be able to embark on a sensorial journey to discover this "miniature continent", capturing the grandeur of a magical territory capable of giving life to opposite wine productions: the marsala and sparkling wine. “Despite the economic situation – comments Marcello Caruso, extraordinary commissioner of IRVOS – our will is to continue the internationalization plan of our companies on historical and newly formed markets. The path undertaken has borne fruit and the number of exporting wine companies has significantly expanded, also thanks to our technical and organizational support. Our commitment is to continue to dialogue with companies, aiming to reduce the waste of money and to achieve concrete objectives such as improving Sicily's image abroad”. The mission to Poland, on the other hand, responds to the increasingly numerous demand of attentive, informed consumers capable of directing their attention to wines that interpret a double need expressed by the markets: the search for novelty and accessible prices, while maintaining the concept of quality . A question that the productions of Southern Italy can face and manage with authority and which, in fact, places Sicily among the leading regions of these new dynamics. To exploit the long wave of this success, IRVOS, in collaboration with Shah srl and Taste Italy Gawęda Trzaskalska Sp.j, has organized the Wines of Sicily event which will be held in Warsaw from 17 to 19 October and which will involve twenty-seven wineries . “The objective of this exploratory tour – explains Dario Cartabellotta, director of the Infrastructural Interventions Department of the Department of Agricultural and Food Resources – is to provide companies with all the information necessary to be able to communicate with the Polish market and to develop those commercial relationships and distribution systems capable of ensuring the right positioning of Sicilian wines with an average price per bottle that reflects the quality achieved today".

Here are the companies participating in Megavino: Trapani Wines – Gaglio Vignaioli Dal 1910 – Abraxas Vigne Di Pantelleria – Brugnano – Luna Sicana – Azienda Agricola G.Milazzo-Terre Della Baronia – Donnafugata – Baglio Dei Fenicotteri – Azienda Agricola Costantino e Figli – Dispensa San Pietro – Baglio Di Pianetto – Al Cantara – Donnadicoppe – Limonio – Fenech Francesco Agricultural Company – Quignones Agricultural Company – Lombardo Vini – Ippolito Di Musso Angela Agricultural Company – Masseria Del Feudo – Valdibella CA – Maurigi – Mimmo Paone Agricultural Company

And the companies participating in the Wines of Sicily event: Abraxas – Baglio dei Flamingo – Baron di Montalto – Baron Sergio – Benanti – Cambria – Cantine De Gregorio – Cantine Rallo – Caruso e Minini – Castellucci Miano – Corbera – Cos – Costantino – CVA Canicattì – Feudo Disisa – Feudo Maccari – Feudo Montoni – Fondo Ancient – Icons – Limonio – Luna Sicana – Massimo De Gregorio – Planeta – Spadafora of the Princes of Spadafora – Tasca D'Almerita – Tenuta Gatti – Tenute Mannino

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