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Avigere February 11th

avigere_siciliaAlta_Risoluz11 February 2014 at the “Kursaal Kalhesa” Foro Italico Umberto I 6.00 pm Results of the “Precision Viticulture in Sicily”


The Avigere workshop – results of precision viticulture in Sicily, aims to promote and spread the principles of precision viticulture, an innovative method for managing the vineyard system in Sicily.


The AVIGERE Project, financed with the Sicily PSR 2007/2013 – Measure 124 “Cooperation for the development of new products, processes and technologies in the agricultural, food and forestry sectors”, officially launched on 14 October 2011 and will end its actions on 13 April 2014. Precision viticulture develops in a multidisciplinary context in which we often move along separate lines. AVIGERE, making use of the skills of the ATS (Temporary Purpose Association), established between: Regional Institute of Vine and Wine (leader) and the Partners:

University of Palermo

– Department of Civil, Environmental, Aerospace and Materials Engineering

– Department of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences

Agile Srl, Centro Enochimico Barbera, Co.Ri.Bi.A, Cantine Settesoli, Tasca d'Almerita

Cantine Donnafugata, Cantine Rapitalà, Az. agr. Mannone Giuseppe Alessandro

CRESM, Assovini, IZS for Sicily, Ubiq Srl

an integrated use of knowledge was proposed to offer differentiated solutions to support the "decision-making inputs" that the company must adopt.

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Public Consultation Update PTPCT IRVO 2025-2027

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